TheOakland CityScoop

Commercial Real Estate News
Oakland, CA

Property Management Education – Avoiding Rent Disputes

Here are three brief guidelines that may help you and your tenants have a better relationship if you choose not to hire a professional property management company. -Clearly Spell out the rules/ terms of your lease agreement - Be fair and consistant when enforcing all your rent rules/ terms - If rent isn't paid on time, follow through with the approp…

Property Management Tips and Advice- Visiting the home of prospective tenants.

Some landlords who choose to manage their property on their own may opt to visit prospective tenants at their home to see how well they've kept their current home up. If you find this a find this to be a valuable screening method make sure you get permission first from the perspective tenant. Do refrain from just stopping by their homes unexpectedly.

Property Management Tips and Tricks- Should I upgrade my rental?

In many cases, property owners feel the need to dump large amounts of money into their property by upgrading their rental properties as if they were going to live in the homes themselves. Most landords are in the business to make money which is why we recommend the following, if needed. The most common things one can do to ensure your home is in a nice co…

Property Management FAQ – What is the process to get started?

Once you've made the wise decision to get started with us, the rest is reletivly simple from that point. We will set up an appointment to meet at the home where one of our agents will perform an intake checklist. Once finished, we fill the management agreements, take picture of your home and your job as the owner is done. If home if priced right, we ty…

Property Management FAQ – Questions and Concerns

What type of properties do you manage? We manage single family homes, town homes, condos and multi family units. How much will my home lease for? For obvious reasons, every home is different. Things such as location, amenities, whether the home is furnished or not...etc, all play a roll as to what your home could rent for. Typically, on our first me…

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