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Church News
Oakland, CA

Oakland, CA – Benefits of Affirmative Prayer from a Local Spiritual Center

SYNOPSIS: This article covers the benefits of affirmative prayer and how it helps to transform lives through intentional, positive thinking.

Aligning the Mind with Divine Intentions

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Affirmative Prayer: How It Works

Affirmative prayer confers a number of benefits on persons spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. Through the consistent repetition of this kind of prayer, individuals are able to see positive changes in their lives on many levels. Here are some of the important advantages.

Clarity of Mind and Concentration

One of the immediate effects of affirmative prayer is clarity of mind. While one prays for something, they are praying for that which is already the Truth of their spiritual life and for it to be revealed in life.

Emotional Healing

Positive affirmation is one of the powerful arms in emotional healing. With affirmations of love, peace, and well-being, one is promised to be delivered out of the entangled mesh of hurts, anxieties, and fears of the past. Through this kind of prayer, one lets go of those dark feelings of hurt and replaces them with joy, wisdom, and peace. As there would be the repetition of affirming one’s worth, potential, and connection with divinity, the same emotional transformation will be brought into existence as it increases self-love and brings inner comfort.

Physical Well-being

One common practice at OCSL is affirmative prayer on behalf of physical health. It shall be believed that as health and vitality are affirmed, we become more open to the natural healing energies of the Divine. Lots of people have reported improvement in physical well-being when one practices affirmative prayer consistently, as the positive mindset lessens stress, often a contributor to physical ailments. With a focus on wellness and by utilizing positive affirmations that help uphold the body’s power to heal, improvements may be realized in one’s health.

Increased Confidence And Self-Worth

Affirmative prayer empowers a person with a sense of confidence. Reiterated affirmations, for example, “I am worthy of love, success, and happiness” or “I am in harmony with the abundant universe,” will make a difference in time over how a person views themself. Confidence is developed by this practice, along with good self-worth. This also reminds one that they do not stand as a victim of their experiences but are creative masters along with God.

Stronger Connection To The Divine

Perhaps the most profound benefit of affirmative prayer is a strengthened connection with the Divine. Affirmative prayer is not about pleadings or requests but about acknowledgment and acceptance of the Divine presence within and around us. With each consistent affirmation of the goodness of the Divine and its presence in our lives, participants feel themselves to be more unified and at one with the Universe.

Come and Feel the Power of Affirmative Prayer

Would you like to change your life through affirmative prayer? We here at the Oakland Center for Spiritual Living will be able to guide and support you in effectively integrating this very powerful practice into your life. Join our prayer circles, workshops, and Sunday services to learn more about how affirmative prayer can support you in aligning with the Divine and bringing your desired life into being.


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Oakland, CA – Benefits of Affirmative Prayer from a Local Spiritual Center