TheOakland CityScoop

Acupuncture News
Oakland, CA

Oakland, CA – How to Prepare for the Winter Cold and Flu Season With Acupuncture

As we move into November in the Bay Area we are getting ready for wetter and chillier weather to settle in. This is the time of year when colds and flus are more prevalent especially for those of us who are back in offices without masks or have children in school. So – what can you do to prepare yourself for winter illnesses? My top five recommendations t…

Oakland, CA – Acupuncture Lowers Inflammation to Help Address Knee Pain

One of the well-researched benefits of acupuncture is that it reduces inflammation. This can help with chronic inflammatory conditions (think arthritis, inflammatory bowel diseases, asthma, etc.) as well as local inflammation due to muscle and tendon inflammation. Patients of all ages can receive benefit when they have inflammatory knee pain due to arthri…

Oakland, CA – Get Help for Pediatric Migraines with Acupuncture and Herbs

I frequently get calls from parents of children who are suffering from migraines. By the time they call me, these parents have typically tried many things for their children – over the counter medications; prescription medications such as Topamax; lifestyle changes like more rest, more water, and skipping school; and trips to multiple doctors. Especially for…

Oakland, CA – Can Acupuncture Help Me Sleep? Yes! Acupuncture Fights Insomnia.

Do you struggle to sleep deeply? Does it take you hours to fall asleep at night? Do you wake feeling groggy? Are you tired throughout the day and feeling the impacts in your work, studies, and family life? A lack of sleep can result in poor moods, impaired mental functioning, lowered immune response, weight gain, and more. The good news is that it's never…

Oakland, CA – Can Acupuncture Help With A Pulled or Tight Muscle? Yes It Can!

My long-term clients know that if they have any injury they should come for an acupuncture appointment as soon as possible. Why? Acupuncture can help a pulled or strained muscle heal faster. Take the case of Rafael. An avid sportsman, Rafael would come in for acupuncture every three to four weeks to help with any aches and pains from his active lifestyle,…

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Inspire Family Acupuncture

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523 47th Street,
Oakland, CA 94609, USA

(Get Directions)

523 47th Street,
Oakland, CA 94609, USA



BIO: Inspire Family Acupuncture focuses on treating children's health, stress/anxiety/insomnia, women's health conditions, pain, and digestive disorders. I am passionate about helping my patients learn about themselves and become empowered to make needed changes to restore balance and gain strength in their physical and emotional lives.