Bed bugs may not pose a threat to your home currently, but that may change at any time. The tiny pest finds its way inside homes through various means, generally by hitchhiking on clothing, luggage, or even items picked up from the thrift store. Once inside your home, bedbugs pose a serious threat of infestation if not treated quickly. Understanding the life cycle of bed bugs helps more effectively deal with this annoying pest.
What are Bed Bugs?
Bed bugs are small, reddish-brown pests that feed on the blood of humans. The pest resembles a tick at first glance, although it’s flat and oval-shaped whereas a tick is black and round. Bed bugs sneak into homes and hide in bedding and other cracks and crevices until it’s safe to come out of hiding. Usually, bed bugs attack their victims in the middle of the night while they are fast asleep, leaving behind extremely itchy welts.
The Life Cycle of Bed Bugs
Bed bugs begin as translucent eggs usually hidden in secluded areas. After hatching, bed bugs enter the nymph stage, a small version of the adult bug. Nymphs require regular blood meals to grow. The bed bug undergoes five nymph stages before it reaches adulthood.
FYI: Before biting a human, bed bugs inject an anticoagulant that numbs their victim and makes blood flow easier.
After molting, bed bugs become adults. It can live several months up to one year without a blood meal at the adult stage. Adult bed bugs begin the reproductive cycle almost immediately. As prolific breeders, bed bugs can produce as many as 200- 250 nymphs over its lifetime.
Bed Bugs in Florence
Bed bug infestations in Florence can be difficult to control if not detected and treated immediately. Early detection prevents your home from becoming a haven for bed bugs and protects your peace of mind. We are here to help.
Southern Pride Pest Control is a full-service pest control company headquartered in Muscle Shoals, AL. SPPC specializes in pest control and prevention services including termite control, rodent control, bed bug control, ant control, and mosquito control, and can even help with moisture control around your residence or commercial property. Established in 2010, Southern Pride Pest Control is a reliable source of quality pest-management solutions delivered by a team you can trust.
Call us today for any of your pest control needs.