Termites have been around for hundreds of thousands of years yet most of us know very little about the insect. Aside from its preference for wood, how much termite knowledge do you possess? What you don’t know about termites can be costly should an infestation occur at your home. Increase your termite knowledge with the following fun facts.
- The earliest termite lived about 250 million years ago
- Termites enjoy eating the cellulose out of wood
- There are more than 2,800 termite species in the world. Only 28 species eat cellulose from the home. Luckily, only three species live in Alabama: drywood termites, dampwood termites, and the subterranean termite.
- Termites build enormous mounds, with the largest nests reaching approximately 12-inches across.
- This insect is the fastest moving in the animal and insect world. Some termites can flap their wings as fast as 157 miles per hour.
- Termites release as much as 150 million tons of methane gas each year, per scientific estimates.
- A termite holds as many as 1,400 different types of bacteria.
- Termites communicate using vibrations. When the soldier termite senses a threat, they alert the colony by banging their heads on the walls to create vibrations.
- In some parts of the world, termites are a delicious delicacy. Some areas of the world eat termites as a nutritional staple. In Singapore, people dip termites in alcohol or rice wine and eat them for dinner.
- Termite queens pre-determine the role for her young by feeding her young pheromone-laden feces.
- Queen termites can live up to 20-years. She can lay an egg every 15-seconds
Contact Southern Pride Pest Control for Your Termite Facts & Solutions
Curious to learn more about termites? Need to schedule an inspection or treat a termite infestation? We’re here to help. Termites are no match for our team of experts. We bring years of experience and know-how to every job. We offer services across The Shoals.
Southern Pride Pest Control is a full-service pest control company headquartered in Muscle Shoals, AL. SPPC specializes in pest control and prevention services including termite control, rodent control, bed bug control, ant control, mosquito control, and can even help with moisture control around your residence or commercial property. Established in 2010, Southern Pride Pest Control is a reliable source for quality pest-management solutions delivered by a team you can trust.
Call us today for any of your pest control needs.