TheLittle Rock CityScoop

Business Coaching News
Little Rock, AR

Little Rock, AR – Searching for a Business Coach / Consultant in Pulaski County?

SYNOPSIS: Are you an entrepreneur in need of a business coach or a consultant? FocalPoint Coaching and Training in Little Rock can assist you! Take our Growth Score assessment or give us a call

Grow Your Business With FocalPoint Business

BY: , Your Business

Becoming an entrepreneur is an exciting and empowering career choice! You’ve made a commendable decision to take on professional leadership, expand your personal growth, and improve your finances by leading a profitable company. However, owning a business comes with its challenges – and entrepreneurs cannot afford to tackle these on their own if they want to stay afloat! An article published by Forbes – “The Most Common Mistakes Small Businesses Make” – lists several reasons small businesses decline in growth during the first five years:

  • They don’t correctly identify their niche and they don’t fill a market need.
  • They don’t have the resources to acquire capital.
  • They lack adequate practical and supportive collaboration with their partners and/or team.
  • They try to manage their company without hiring the necessary help to tackle specific challenges.

Tackling these challenges is overwhelming for business owners who are already responsible for managing their entire team, their personal and business finances, and several components of their company’s daily operations. You are not alone: these are common challenges all entrepreneurs face in their respective industries! Business owners throughout time had to adapt, improve their internal operations, change the structure of their operations, and hire people to delegate tasks on their behalf in order to create longevity in their businesses. It is essential for business owners to establish a practical system to solve short-term and long-term challenges regardless of their current standing or the economy; it also doesn’t matter if they have just created their companies or have been operating their businesses for over a year and experience significant changes in their industry and market.

 If you are currently experiencing these challenges, or you would like to take preventative action to avoid or curtail some of these challenges, then hiring a business coach or getting business consulting will serve as valuable and available resources which will save you time, money, and stress short-term and long-term!

At FocalPoint Business Coaching and consulting, we will provide you with qualified and objective oversight of your company and of your team – our method involves coaching, consulting, holding workshops, and creating assessments to analyze your current and long-term personal and professional goals. You can expect that we will:

  • Identify the current challenges your company has in managing daily operations.
  • Determine the level of efficiency of your team and help you brainstorm ways to maximize their efficiency and potential.
  • Help you and your team improve your collaborative efforts to achieve your business goals.
  • Help you create and sustain a smoother workflow.
  • Offer solutions to technical challenges in specific branches of your company.

FocalPoint Business Coaching and consulting services have been recognized by major networks and publications such as CNN and The New York Times! To get in touch with a FocalPoint Business Coach in Little Rock, Arkansas call Business and Executive Coach Alan Bennett at 501-944-1946, or email

“Best Business Coach in Little Rock, AR”

Top Rated Local Business Coach / Advisor / Consultant / Firm

Pulaski County: Little Rock, AR


“Best Business Coach in Little Rock, AR”

Top Rated Local Business Coach / Advisor / Consultant / Firm

Pulaski County: Little Rock, AR

CityScoop is the top ranked local business news network in the United States. Established in 2008, CityScoop has been providing local communities with high quality news about local businesses and their most recent projects.

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Little Rock, AR – Searching for a Business Coach / Consultant in Pulaski County?