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Dark Social – Not As Scary As It Sounds For Marketing | Online Capital Group

SYNOPSIS: You might have heard the term "dark social" floating around the digital world. But don't worry, it's not as spooky as it sounds. In fact, dark social can be your marketing friend.

Dark Social Marketing - Not As Scary As It Sounds

BY: Joshua Lampright, OCGnow

Dark-Social-Not-As-Scary-As-It-Sounds-Online-Capital-GroupHey there, marketing enthusiasts! You might have heard the term “dark social” floating around the digital world. But don’t worry, it’s not as spooky as it sounds. In fact, dark social can be your marketing friend. So, let’s dive into what dark social is all about and how it can actually boost your marketing game.

What’s Dark Social Anyway?

First things first, let’s shed some light on what dark social really means. It’s not about ghosts or vampires – it’s about how people share content online in ways that can’t be easily tracked. When you share a link through email, messaging apps, or even private chats, that’s dark social. It’s like having a secret conversation with your BFF that no one else can see.

Why So “Dark”?

Now you might be wondering, why is it called “dark” social? Well, it’s because these shares happen in private spaces where traditional web analytics can’t track them. So, even though people are talking about your awesome content, you can’t see it on your usual tracking tools. It’s like a hidden treasure chest of shares!

This Doesn’t Mean It’s Bad Marketing Tactics!

Dark social might sound like some kind of online mystery, but it’s not a bad thing for marketing. In fact, it’s a goldmine of opportunities. When people share your content through private channels, it means they find it super interesting and want to talk about it with their inner circle. And you know what that means? Word-of-mouth outcomes!

The Power of Word-of-Mouth

Imagine this: You find a hilarious cat video and send it to your bestie through a private message. She laughs so hard that she shares it with her cousin, who then sends it to their group chat. Before you know it, that cat video is spreading like wildfire, and everyone’s talking about it. That’s the power of word-of-mouth, and that’s what dark social does for your content.

Boosting Your Marketing Mojo

Now that we know dark social isn’t a digital ghost, let’s see how it can actually boost your marketing mojo.

1. Authentic Engagement

When people share your content privately, it’s because they genuinely like it. They’re not doing it for show – they’re doing it because they connect with your message. This means you’re getting authentic engagement, which is pure marketing gold. When people really like something, they talk about it, and that’s what dark social is all about.

2. Understanding Your Audience

Dark social gives you a peek into what your audience really cares about. You might see your articles being shared more through email, while your funny memes are lighting up private chats. This helps you understand what kind of content resonates with different groups of people. It’s like having a secret decoder to crack your audience’s preferences.

3. Building Trust

When people share your content privately, it’s like they’re passing a trusted recommendation to their friends. You trust your BFF’s taste in movies, right? So, if she sends you a link, you’re more likely to check it out. Dark social helps build that trust because people are sharing your stuff with their inner circle – the people whose opinions matter to them the most.

4. Tailoring Your Strategy

Once you know which content is being shared through dark social, you can tweak your marketing strategy. You can create more of the stuff people love and spread it like wildfire. It’s like having a secret recipe for success – just give people more of what they’re already talking about.

What About Tracking?

Now you might wonder, if dark social can’t be tracked like regular social media shares, how can you know what’s happening? Well, there are tools out there that can give you a better idea of how much your content is being shared through private channels. These tools analyze patterns and help you see the bigger picture.

A Dark Social Success Story

Let’s take a real-life example. Say you run a towing company. You create an epic video about how your team saved the day by rescuing a big rig stuck in a snowstorm. Now, this video gets shared all over – not just on Facebook or Twitter, but also through private messages, emails, and group chats.

You can’t track all these private shares with traditional analytics, but you start noticing that your video is getting way more views than usual. People are coming up to you and saying, “Hey, I saw that amazing video of your team in action!”

What’s happening here? Dark social is at work! Your video is being shared like crazy through private channels, and people are talking about it. This boosts your brand’s visibility and reputation, all thanks to the power of word-of-mouth spreading through dark social.

How Your Online Capital Group Can Help

So, there you have it – dark social isn’t a digital monster hiding in the shadows. It’s a treasure trove of genuine engagement, trust-building, and audience insights. It’s like the secret sauce that makes your content spread like wildfire through word-of-mouth. Embrace the chemistry of dark social, and watch your marketing game reach new heights. And remember, just like the towing company saw success through dark social, your brand can too. So, go ahead and let your content shine in those private chats and emails!

Give us a call at (904) 600-3600 for more information about how your brand can benefit from omnichannel marketing, including dark social, today!


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Joshua Lampright


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BIO: As a full service partner, the objective of OCGnow is to help you achieve the marketing outcomes that rank with the top competitors in your industry. You will always be in “the know” with a performance measurement matrix of our interventions. This creates a transparency that allows for actionable insights of prevailing trends and a concrete demand for accountability, no matter the results.


Dark Social – Not As Scary As It Sounds For Marketing | Online Capital Group