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Guerrilla Marketing Makes A Strong Impression | Online Capital Group Nashville

SYNOPSIS: Guerrilla marketers artfully blend creativity into their campaigns to achieve the level of intrigue that gains the attention of potential consumers. Contact OCGnow for help with starting a campaign!

Guerrilla Marketing Makes A Strong Impression

BY: Joshua Lampright, OCGnow

GuerillaMarketingAs a business owner, you have probably wondered to yourself, “How do I make an impact in my local community?” Well, one great way to learn is from the example of previous entrepreneurs that have been successful at doing just that! Today we will be looking at the ever so positively disruptive guerilla marketing tricks by some big brands that didn’t break their bank.

Guerrilla marketing can take consumers by surprise, leaving a lasting impression, and can show up just about anywhere. Some of the best results come from campaigns that are implemented where consumers would least expect them! This form of marketing is great for small budgets that both leave lasting impressions as well as gain you free earned media.

Guerrilla marketers artfully blend creativity into their campaigns to achieve the level of intrigue that gains the attention of potential consumers. By being more clever and unpredictable, they satisfy consumers that desire some fun from their products or services. Assess the examples below for some highly creative (and therefore memorable!) guerrilla marketing campaigns that you too can attain as a business owner.

The following campaigns are some of our favorites:

Guerrilla Marketing – Mr Clean

Guerilla Marketing - Mr Clean

We all know the bald, muscle-bound middle-aged mascot, Mr. Clean. But have you seen him at a crosswalk? This original crosswalk art took advantage of the natural discoloration of a city street to provide the clean contrast of the fighting power of the Mr. Clean products.

Guerrilla Marketing – FedEx

Guerilla Marketing - FedEx

The monotony of the delivery world is not without witty marketing. This full size FedEx truck was wrapped with graphics to give the optical illusion as if a competitor’s vehicle was coming in late pursuit behind them. This illusion, paired with the phrase you can clearly see that reads “Always First” makes a strong message.

Guerrilla Marketing – The Sopranos

Guerilla Marketing - The Sopranos

For those of you that watched The Sopranos in the early 2000’s, you will understand why the following is the perfect prop and bumper sticker advertisement. Some lasting results were made by placing a fake arm in the trunk of a local city cab like you would see in the Halloween aisle of your local supermarket.

Guerrilla Marketing – Drunk Driving

Guerilla Marketing - Drunk Driving

We all know a story of how someone drank too much and still decided to get behind the wheel of a vehicle. A “Reserved for Drunk Drivers” parking spot positioned at an angle at the bottom of a tree on the side of a busy street paints the picture of the unfortunate accident that can take place when such as horrible choice is made.

Big marketing feats take big marketing minds, like the ones that make up the Think Tank here at Online Capital Group. Give us a call at (904) 600-3600 or visit the link below to find out how we can come together to make a lasting impression on your consumer audience!

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Joshua Lampright


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Hohenwald, TN 38462, USA

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Hohenwald, TN 38462, USA



BIO: As a full service partner, the objective of OCGnow is to help you achieve the marketing outcomes that rank with the top competitors in your industry. You will always be in “the know” with a performance measurement matrix of our interventions. This creates a transparency that allows for actionable insights of prevailing trends and a concrete demand for accountability, no matter the results.


Guerrilla Marketing Makes A Strong Impression | Online Capital Group Nashville