TheFranklin CityScoop

Sign Company News
Franklin, TN

Vehicle Fleet Graphics—Franklin, TN

Traditional van wraps are an effective way to brand and advertise your company while on-the-go, but there's an even better way: Fleet wraps. A wrapped fleet scours the area looking for new business, advertising, and driving from to and fro. The more wrapped cars and vans in a fleet, the chance of someone seeing them and calling is much higher! We ofte…

Lobby and Logo Wall Signs—Franklin, TN

First impressions go a long way when it comes to an unsure customer, which is why Lobby and Logo signs are so important! They're much more likely to choose a company with a 3D Brand wall with brushed metal arch, frosted acrylic statement panels and wall-mounted logo sign with brushed and polished metal letters in the lobby over a company with little to no si…

Window Graphics: Vinyl “Etched Glass”—Franklin, TN

A new type of vinyl replicates the expensive "etched glass" look for a much more affordable price. It's essentially a textured vinyl that can be designed, cut, and placed anywhere! Some of the many uses of this frosted vinyl include privacy and in this case, sets the mood in the yoga room. Frosted vinyl can either be "positive" or "negative" in regar…

Mobile Branding: Vehicle Wraps and Graphics—Franklin, TN

Car and van wraps are a tried-and-true method of mobile advertising. Unlike traditional stationary signs, vehicle wraps allow you to advertise your company wherever you are and further your business with new customers. They can come in an infinite amount of designs and materials depending on your preferences. From partial to full wraps, vehicle gr…

Branding the Office: Indoor Business Signs—Franklin, TN

When a company first moves into a new building, they want to make sure that anyone who walks in knows exactly who works there, and what they do. There's no other more effective way to do this than placing an indoor business sign where they first walk in! There are multiple methods of creating a unique indoor business sign such as employing 3D gloss ac…

CityScoop is the top ranked local business news network in the United States. Established in 2008, CityScoop has been providing local communities with high quality news about local businesses and their most recent projects.

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