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Business Coaching News
El Paso, TX

Las Cruces, NM – Importance of Hiring a Business Coach for Small Business Owners

SYNOPSIS: Starting a small business comes with a load of risk. It will be overwhelming at the beginning, but if the pressure continues, it may be time to hire a business coach to help you.

It is hard for a local small business owner

BY: , Your Business

Running a business will generally be difficult, but it will be especially difficult for a small business owner. Unfortunately, many small business owners open a business on hope and dream but never do any actual planning ahead of time. They got the initial idea, acquired the funding and location, and then opened the business, but realized soon a lot more work was needed. There needs to be structure, values, and an overall objective above simply making a profit. Most small business owners only realize this after the doors open, and their limited resources do not allow them to go backward and try to make up for what they did not do at the beginning. This is why business coaches are valuable to small business owners.

Below we will discuss the struggles of a small business owner and what a business coach will do to make the transition easier.

Obstacles small businesses encounter.

Running a small business fundamentally differs from running a company the size of Google or Amazon. The level of anxiety is daunting, as any small error could result in the closure of a business. Roughly 20% of small businesses fail within two years, which increases to 65% by year ten.

Small business owners are usually first-time owners who may only have a basic understanding of running a business. For example, they may not understand how to balance payroll, interact with vendors, or strategize to bring in customers. These were all possible things people did for them when they were lower-level employees. So now having to do these tasks personally is again daunting and you, as a new business owner, are just not equipped to do these things on your own. As a result, it may become necessary to call for outside help.

How will a business coach help?

A business coach is there to help steer the ship in the right direction. They will look through your business and develop an attack plan. They will also teach you the necessary skills to run a business.

While they may not do the work for you, they will show you what it takes to be an effective business owner, as well as what it takes to be an effective leader. With running a small business, in comparison to more prominent companies, there is more employee interaction and customer interaction, meaning you will need to know how to lead. So along with the back office skills, a business coach will also teach you how to handle the front-end portion of the business.

Looking for a business coach in Las Cruces, NM

Finding the right business coach is challenging, and sometimes it may not always be the right fit. But at FocalPoint, we always strive to provide the best possible people. Our agent Miguel Marquez is the perfect business coach for helping small business owners take their businesses to the next level. With his many years of experience within the company, he will be able to bring a host of new ideas and perspectives you never thought possible.

Please give him a call or reach out through his email. If you want to avoid being a statistic, Miguel Marquez will help you.

Call me: (915) 243-1409

Please email me: at mm******@fo****************.com.

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Las Cruces, NM – Importance of Hiring a Business Coach for Small Business Owners