A trade show is an event that has the power to pull in an extensive amount of new consumers. With many people in one area often looking for a specific product or industry, this is the time to set yourself above your competitors with a high impact display. When Jumpsix Marketing reached out to our team looking for this exact package, we knew we were the ones that could help!
Take a Look!
In the image above, you can see the completed design and fabrication for the trade show banner display that our client purchased. It offers an eye catching visual that will be sure to draw attention, while offering a legible view of the intended information. A complete signage success!
The Product
Jumpsix Marketing needed to find an effective trade show display that would fit within the perimeters of their budget. We found that a curved-tubed single sided display was a great fit. It measured in at six feet tall, and was an effective solution for their trade show needs!
Choosing the Right Product
The signs that make up a trade show display can change depending on the needs of your specific event. Most displays include items such as banners, table top displays, retractable stands, and more. Ensure that your sign products are cohesive with one another through design concept, and tailor the customizations to attract the targeted audience you have in mind. Our design team is on hand to help you make the right choices to fulfill these needs, and get you one step closer to reaching your goals!
Are you interested in learning more about the project that was recently completed for Jumpsix Marketing? Would you like to hear about other trade show sign success stories? Contact our team today, and we will schedule your free consultation!
Written by: Cincinnati Custom Signs – Cincinnati, Ohio