Different types of wrap:
- Economical simple lettering on the side using colored vinyl
- More complex lettering including printed lettering and cut letters
- Half wrap which included for example 2 full sides and the back
- Full wrap that will cover the 4 sides vehicle and may comprise windows and roof.
To give you the most accurate estimates we need some data:
- Make
- Model & style
- Year
- Color
- Options / Add- on Equipment
The Signs A La Carte team will help you with your brand and message on your vehicle. They need to be clear, creative and go to the point. Your vehicle becomes a mobile advertising campaign. Your marketing must be efficient and powerful when you use:
- logo
- website
- tagline
- list of offering (cleaning, plumbing, real estate…..)
- phone number
Signs A La carte will be happy to help you with your vehicle’s wrap. Do not hesitate to contact us: info@signslacarte.com