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Bronx, NY

Bronx, NY – New York Nursing Home Wrongful COVID Death and Abuse Lawyer

SYNOPSIS: The New York State legislature and governor have signed into law a new act that compensates the families of victims who died from COVID-19 in nursing homes. Your family deserves the best law firm.

New York Nursing Home Wrongful COVID Death

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The families of people injured in nursing homes trust their cases to Feiner & Lavy.

The New York State legislature and governor have signed into law a new act that compensates the families of victims who died from COVID-19 in nursing homes. The victims’ compensation fund will have $4 billion that will be distributed to families who suffered a COVID-related nursing home loss. Your family deserves the best law firm in the Bronx for handling this claim: Feiner & Lavy

According to reports, there were an estimated 15,000 people who died from COVID-19 while in the care of nursing homes in New York. The operators of these nursing homes used their political muscle so they could not be held liable for these deaths. 

But the passage of the Justice for Nursing Home Victims Act is giving families the opportunity to fight back, seek justice and find closure despite these horrific personal losses. At Feiner & Lavy, we believe that it is the right of people who lost a loved one in a nursing home to COVID-19 to be compensated for every cent they deserve. We are the Bronx Nursing Home Victims Law Firm that is scaling up to fight for our clients the right way. 

There will be a lot of paperwork that will need to be filled out precisely right for your family to get what is entitled. And reliving those feelings of desperation and helplessness that you felt while your loved one was perishing in a place where you couldn’t help or visit will be a painful experience. As a Bronx Personal Injury Law Firm with a reputation for being compassionate with our clients and fierce with our opponents, we have a dealt with these emotions and will be there to help as you go through this difficult process. 

We are counseling everyone we know to get out ahead of this. If you’ve lost a loved due to COVID-19, it is urgent that you contact Feiner & Lavy today! The state is providing a $4 billion victims’ compensation fund, much like the 9-11 Victim Compensation Fund, and it is very important for you and your family to be among the first to register your claim. 

As a firm that pursues Nursing Home Death and Abuse cases for people who live in the Bronx, we view the Justice for Nursing Home Victims Act as the first step in having the state and nursing home operators acknowledge their failures in caring for the elderly who were trapped in facilities that served as incubators for COVID-19 outbreaks. 

If you had a family member die from COVID-19 while in the care of a nursing home, you want the Bronx lawyer who will fight for your injury. Don’t waste another minute – contact Feiner & Lavy today! With more than 80 years of combined experience, we have a broad range of resources available to help you win the settlement you deserve. We are a local Bronx personal injury law firm that knows our courts, our borough and our clients. We pride ourselves on our level of determination and will not stop until our clients’ cases are resolved with the highest possible payout. If you believe you have been injured at the hands of another, call us today at 212-393-9130 for a free consultation.

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Bronx, NY – New York Nursing Home Wrongful COVID Death and Abuse Lawyer