TheBronx CityScoop

Personal Injury Law News
Bronx, NY

Bronx, New York – Slip and Fall Injury: Your Broken Leg Needs More Than a Cast

One minute you’re walking along and the next minute you’re in pain, grabbing your leg on the ground. This is a story we hear often in the law offices of Feiner & Lavy. Clients call us and ask if we can come to them because they had a fall that was no fault of their own, and the broken leg they suffered is requiring them to stay at home and not use the…

Bronx, New York – Eye Injuries Due to Negligence Can Be Extremely Serious

One of the types of injuries that makes people very squeamish are eye injuries. The idea of suffering an injury to the eye is both scary and potentially very dangerous. In the United States every year, it is estimated that there are more than 2.4 million eye injuries for all sorts of reasons. This is an astounding number! These injuries happen in all…

Bronx, New York –Roller Coaster, Carousel Injury at Amusement Park, Carnival

Carnivals, fairs, amusement parks provide some of the greatest times during summer, fall and spring. There are those events like the neighborhood parish fundraiser or local street fair that some of us wait all year to attend. Not only do the kids love these events, but it brings out the kid in us. The personal injury specialists at Feiner & Lavy under…

Bronx, New York – Slip and Fall Injury: Suffering a Head Injury or Concussion

That ringing in your head after you bang it on something when you stand up can be bad, but when you hit your head really hard in a slip and fall accident, that ringing in your head can go on for weeks or months. Many times, the clients who visit Feiner & Lavy, one of the best slip and fall law firms in the Bronx, come to us with head injuries suffered…

Bronx, New York – Slip and Fall: The Party Is Over When Injury Pain Begins

There’s nothing like a backyard barbecue in the summer. But what if you’re injured at such a gathering in the Bronx? Is the homeowner responsible for your injury and could you be entitled to damages? Some of this is dependent on the circumstances, but the answer is that the host could be liable. If the circumstances are right and you are not at fault…

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Yaniv Lavy

Feiner & Lavy, P.C. Attorneys at Law

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881 Gerard Avenue,
Bronx, NY 10452, USA

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881 Gerard Avenue,
Bronx, NY 10452, USA



BIO: Feiner & Lavy is a Bronx personal injury law firm that is dedicated to fighting for injury settlements that will enable our clients to move forward with their lives. We pride ourselves on our personalized service, our ability to fiercely negotiate with big insurance companies and law firms representing and getting the results that clients need. Consultations are free.