TheBronx CityScoop

Personal Injury Law News
Bronx, NY

Bronx, New York – Slip and Fall: Injury at a Pool Ends Summer Fun and More

Swimming pool accidents are no joke and are remarkably common. According to the CDC, there are an average of more than eight thousand visits to emergency medical facilities as a result of non-fatal drowning accidents each year, and nearly four thousand other accidents, in an average year, result in drowning deaths. Children make up the bulk of these stat…

Bronx, New York – Slip & Fall Accident: A Rooftop Party Leads to Tragedy

“On the roof, it's peaceful as can be / And there the world below can't bother me” These are the lyrics to a 1964 hit song by The Drifters, a New York City R&B group. The truth of this is something everyone in the Bronx knows, especially during the summer months when it’s steamy hot inside, but the evening breeze makes it cool and delightful on the ro…

Bronx, New York – Slip/Fall Accident: The Long Road Back From a Twisted Ankle

Ankle sprains, often the result of a twisted ankle, are pretty common injuries. Many times, these can be minor injuries that only need some ice, a bandage and some time off your feet. But there are injuries that can be very severe that happen through no fault of your own. And this is when you need a top law firm to go to bat for you. A sprained ankle…

Bronx, New York – Attention Proud Marines! Camp Lejeune May Have Made You Sick

Men and women from The Bronx signed up to serve their country and chose the toughest, proudest branch of the Armed Forces to do their service: The Marines. We all know that Marines don’t complain; Marines can take one on the chin and get up; and most importantly, Marines are loyal and live up to the motto Semper Fi. Sadly, the federal government wasn’t l…

Bronx, New York – Forget “At Your Own Risk” and Get Ready to Kick Some Sand

There are “at your own risk” signs that are sometimes posted near the beach. But there’s a truth you need to realize: When you are hurt through the negligence of others, those “at your own risk” can be rendered meaningless. The truth is that there are many ways someone can be injured at a beach, and if it is due to the negligence of the people in char…

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Yaniv Lavy

Feiner & Lavy, P.C. Attorneys at Law

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881 Gerard Avenue,
Bronx, NY 10452, USA

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881 Gerard Avenue,
Bronx, NY 10452, USA



BIO: Feiner & Lavy is a Bronx personal injury law firm that is dedicated to fighting for injury settlements that will enable our clients to move forward with their lives. We pride ourselves on our personalized service, our ability to fiercely negotiate with big insurance companies and law firms representing and getting the results that clients need. Consultations are free.