TheBronx CityScoop

Personal Injury Law News
Bronx, NY

Bronx, New York – Slip and Fall Injury in a Bodega, Convenience or Corner Store

People in the Bronx do a lot of their shopping very locally. For many residents, this means frequent visits to a bodega, convenience store or corner store, where someone may pick up a loaf of bread, grab a cup of coffee or pack of cigarettes, or do a little light grocery shopping. It may also be the place you get the news about your neighborhood. (We know it…

Bronx, New York – Slip and Fall Injury: Can I Really Sue the U.S. Government?

Slip and fall accidents can happen anywhere, but victims become particularly intimidated if they suffer an injury while visiting a government office. People wonder if they really can sue the government, and the answer is YES! We won’t lie to you: these aren’t the easiest cases to pursue, but the Bronx personal injury law firm of Feiner & Lavy stands b…

Bronx, New York – Slip and Fall: Get Over Your Embarrassment and Take Action

One of the things people often experience in the aftermath of a slip and fall accident is embarrassment. It’s not only an issue faced by our clients, but we are aware that many people choose not to even consult with a lawyer or ask for compensation after getting hurt because they feel embarrassed. The Bronx personal injury law firm of Feiner & Lavy is…

Bronx, New York – Slip and Fall Accidents: More Dangerous for Senior Citizens

Senior citizens face more mobility challenges than young or middle-aged people, and the injury consequences of a slip and fall are far greater for this vulnerable population. In fact, according to a study by the CDC, one-in-five falls by a senior citizen causes an injury. At the Bronx personal injury law firm of Feiner & Lavy, we are very aware of the…

Bronx, New York – Slip and Fall: Suffering an Injury on a Slippery Sidewalk

Sidewalks are the thoroughfares of the Bronx. There’s no doubt that more people get around New York City walking down a sidewalk than riding around in a car. And it is an indisputable fact of city life that some people will suffer an injury after experiencing a slip and fall accident on a sidewalk that is not cleared after a snowstorm or has puddles of water…

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Yaniv Lavy

Feiner & Lavy, P.C. Attorneys at Law

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881 Gerard Avenue,
Bronx, NY 10452, USA

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881 Gerard Avenue,
Bronx, NY 10452, USA



BIO: Feiner & Lavy is a Bronx personal injury law firm that is dedicated to fighting for injury settlements that will enable our clients to move forward with their lives. We pride ourselves on our personalized service, our ability to fiercely negotiate with big insurance companies and law firms representing and getting the results that clients need. Consultations are free.