TheBronx CityScoop

Personal Injury Law News
Bronx, NY

Bronx, NY – Experiencing Delayed Injury Symptoms Following a Slip Fall Accident

Sometimes when people suffer a slip-and-fall injury or are involved in a car accident, they feel fine immediately after, but a day or week later realize they are hurt. Delayed symptoms or delayed-onset injuries are surprisingly common, and they are one of the primary reasons that the Bronx personal injury law firm of Feiner & Lavy always recommends that anyo…

Bronx, NY – The First Steps to Take if You’ve Been Injured in an Accident

It is important for you to take care of yourself immediately if you are injured in an accident in the Bronx. And if you are injured and can’t help yourself, ask a companion or good Samaritan to help you follow the steps we are outlining below. While this can seem obvious, as a personal injury law firm we have seen that in the moments after suffering an injur…

Bronx, NY – What Is Contingency Payment? An Explanation of Attorney’s Fees

What will a personal injury lawyer in the Bronx really cost me if I am injured? This is a common question, and for a good reason. People see advertisements for personal injury law firms like Feiner & Lavy that promise you can pursue a case at no cost to you. Many people think this is a scam, but it isn’t. Lawyers basically charge three ways for the…

Bronx NY – Why You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer if You’ve Been Injured

If you’ve been injured in the Bronx and you don’t believe it was your fault, you really need to call a personal injury lawyer. This isn’t a matter of opinion or just an effort to solicit business. The point is that you are likely not an expert when it comes to understanding if there is someone responsible for your injury, but a personal injury attorney is ju…

Bronx- NY – The Statute of Limitations and Why It Matters | Personal Injury

Personal injury lawyers recommend potential clients to act with urgency if they or a loved one has suffered an injury where they may collect compensation. There are a variety of reasons, but one is that you are up against something called the statute of limitations. In basic terms, the statute of limitations creates a limit on how long you have to initia…

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Yaniv Lavy

Feiner & Lavy, P.C. Attorneys at Law

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881 Gerard Avenue,
Bronx, NY 10452, USA

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881 Gerard Avenue,
Bronx, NY 10452, USA



BIO: Feiner & Lavy is a Bronx personal injury law firm that is dedicated to fighting for injury settlements that will enable our clients to move forward with their lives. We pride ourselves on our personalized service, our ability to fiercely negotiate with big insurance companies and law firms representing and getting the results that clients need. Consultations are free.