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December 09, 2019

Santa Rosa, CA – Signs Your BMW Needs Instant Servicing | Auto Service News

Posted in: Industry News

Wondering what subtle signs your BMW will give you when it needs instant servicing and repairs?

A BMW is often the dream car of many people. It’s an elite car that combines exceptional engine performance with a classy sleek design. A BMW brings an element of unmatched luxury and exceptional comfort to your daily commute. Moreover, this car is manufactured by one of the most credible automobile companies in the industry so it’s bound to provide an outstanding driving experience.

Besides its obvious impressive functional benefits, the BMW also represents a lavish lifestyle. This is why most people consider a BMW to be a valuable asset and don’t mind paying the high price. However, just like any other asset, your BMW also requires you to take certain measures to preserve its value. Continue reading this article to find out the subtle signs your BMW will give you when it needs instant servicing and repairs.

Visibly Increased Exhaust Smoke

An increase in the exhaust smoke from your BMW is a strong indication that the engine is facing some problems. The color of the exhaust smoke often hints towards the nature of the problem.  White smoke usually suggests the inefficiency of the coolant which means your car must be getting overheated. If the smoke appears to be bluish in color then this may indicate the presence of an oil leak. Black smoke is usually considered to be a warning sign for the engine burning too much gasoline. All of these problems if ignored can lead to bigger troubles with your car. This is why you must never ignore the increased exhaust smoke from your engine.


Constant Knocking Noises from the Engine

Constant knocking noises coming from the engine are always a red flag. This sound usually comes from a BMW when the engine bearings have become worn out over time. The engine bearings in a BMW are responsible for providing a place for the moving parts of the motor to rest on.  The wear-and-tear usually happens as a result of high mileage or insufficient oil levels.

If you ever hear any knocking sounds coming from under the hood of your car, make sure to take your BMW to a specialized mechanic for a check-up. Timely servicing and repairs can help you prevent more serious problems like engine failures down the line.

Evident Changes in its Performance

The last subtle sign you should watch out for in BMWs is a decrease in their performance. Car connoisseurs always say that when you drive a car, it will tell you if something is wrong. This is why you should always notice the drivability of your BMW whenever you drive it.  If your BMW suddenly starts to have trouble accelerating or gives reduced fuel efficiency then this is an indication that something is wrong. Do not ignore these warning signs and get your BMW’s engine checked at your earliest. The cause of this decrease in performance could be anything from a blown head gasket to a faulty sensor.

We hope the signs explained above help you recognize problems in your BMW so that you can schedule for timely repairs and servicing before the problem aggravates. As a result, your BMW will continue to operate at the peak performance it’s designed to deliver to you in the first place.

Please visit our website for more information on BMW servicing and repairs.

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