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April 27, 2020

Portland, OR – Coronavirus Symptoms and Things You Can Do to Protect Yourself

Posted in: Industry News

Are you aware of the symptoms of Coronavirus?  

Contrary to popular belief, the coronavirus is nothing new, and has been around for a long time. Both SARS and MERS were variants of this pandemic. Unfortunately, this is the first time this virus has spread so far and wide. However, the first case of coronavirus, in its recent outbreak was reported in the seafood market of Wuhan, China, in December of 2019. During the past three months, this virus has taken over the entire world, including the United States.Causes of Coronavirus

Despite the quarantine in Wuhan, Coronavirus has taken over at least 70 other locations all across the globe. Every day, the number of Coronavirus victims is spiking, and unfortunately, there exists no vaccine or magic pill to combat this virus. 

Coronavirus: What Is It? 

Before moving towards the symptoms of Coronavirus, let’s spare a moment to discuss what it is. Coronavirus is primarily a disease that is transmitted from one person to another through respiratory droplets produced by an infected person. Once the droplets land in the mouths or noses of a nearby person, they can be infected. Some similar viruses include the SARS Virus or the MERS Virus. 

Symptoms of Coronavirus

Coronavirus starts slow, but if left untreated can claim multiple lives, which it already has. Unfortunately, the virus cannot be detected in the earlier stages because the symptoms take at least two weeks to unfold completely. Some of the most common symptoms of Coronavirus are as follows.

  • A dry cough,which is similar to the ones smokers have.
  • Difficulty in breathing, or shortness of breath.
  • Fever

Children and older adults are more prone to catching Coronavirus, for they have weak immune systems. Along with the symptoms mentioned above, these individuals can develop other symptoms like Bronchitis and Pneumonia. 

Causes of Coronavirus 

Some people speculate that this virus spreads due to close proximity with animals. However, it mainly spreads through bodily fluids like saliva, droplets in one’s breath and sputum.

You can get infected by touching an infected individual and then touching your eyes, mouth or nose with your hands without washing them. You can also catch this virus by coming into contact with a contaminated surface like a metal doorknob or a toilet shower and then touching your face with the infected hands. 


If you suspect you have Coronavirus, rush to the doctor, and get yourself tested. Before reaching the clinic, call the doctor, and express your concerns. This will allow the doctor to understand your symptoms and guide you throughout the process. For an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will run specific tests. In most cases, doctors advise their patients to isolate themselves and quarantine themselves in their homes. 

Coronavirus: Avoidance and Prevention 

Preventing Coronavirus is simple and straightforward. Try your best to isolate yourself, and refrain from going in public settings. If you are sick, the best thing you can do is to stay at home. Always cover your face with a tissue every time you cough or sneeze. Dispose of the tissues after using them.

Furthermore, wash your hands regularly with a soap. Rinse your hands for 20 seconds at least before splashing them with water. If washing your hands is not in the cards, sanitize your hands with a sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Refrain from touching your face, mouth, or nose. Also, before stepping out of your home, cover your face with a facemask. 

Final Few Words

We hope the information mentioned above helped you understand the causes and symptoms of Coronavirus and ways to prevent it from spreading. Don’t forget to wash your hands, sanitize them, and cover your face to prevent the spread of Coronavirus. Also, clean and disinfect your living space to keep it germ-free.

For professional cleaning services in Portland, OR, feel free to visit our website.

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