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Plymouth, MN

Plymouth, MN – Exploring the Differences Between AI vs. a Real Business Coach

SYNOPSIS: This article covers the new video release from Adam Thompson in which he discusses the coaching info you can get from Chat GPT, how correct it is, and why a human coach is still best.

Exploring the Role of Human Connection in Business

BY: Adam Thompson, FocalPoint Business Coaching of Plymouth, MN

Adam Thompson, a seasoned FocalPoint business coach based in Plymouth, Minnesota, recently shared his insights on the burgeoning debate between AI and real-life coaches. He believes that while AI technologies like Chat GPT can offer valuable advice, human interaction is an irreplaceable aspect of business coaching.

The AI Experience

Adam recounted his experience of using Chat GPT, an AI language model. He posed questions regarding time management strategies and found the AI’s responses impressive. The AI provided concise, accurate advice, emphasizing the importance of setting clear goals, making a schedule, prioritizing tasks, and more. It even offered to help Adam stay accountable.

The Importance of Human Connection

However, Adam pointed out that while AI can provide sound advice, it lacks the human touch integral to coaching. Human connection, conversation, and having a trusted resource to bounce ideas off are essential components of a coaching relationship. A machine can’t replicate these.

Real-life coaches walk their clients’ paths, providing support, encouragement, and honest feedback. They offer a sense of accountability that extends beyond lists and reminders – one stemming from the human desire not to let another person down.

Adam Thompson FocalPoint Business Coach

Despite the advancements in AI technology, there’s a reason real-life coaches like Adam Thompson are still in demand. They offer empathy, understanding, and personalization that no machine can match.

If you’ve tried AI and found it lacking, or if you’re struggling to accomplish your goals, consider contacting a human coach. Adam Thompson is here to walk the path with you, providing the support and accountability you need to succeed. So why wait? Reach out to Adam today, and let’s start the conversation about your business goals and how to achieve them.

Transcript of the video: Hey friends, Adam Thompson coming to you as always from FocalPoint of Minnesota Headquarters in the lovely Plymouth, Minnesota. Hope you are having a great day. The machines are taking over. I think we all understand that we know it’s just a matter of time before they take over our lives. Before that happens, we are all trying to figure out how to use all this amazing new technology and artificial intelligence to make our lives a little better. Make our lives a little bit easier. I’ve been playing around myself just to get what the capabilities look like in terms of content and in different tools that are out there that can be offered. 

The other day I tried to stump it a little bit, and I just said, “Hey, what are the top strategies for successful time management?” It gave me eight great ideas. It was remarkable, and it fired back right away. Time management is very important and critical to achieving success. Here are some of the top strategies for successful time management. Set clear goals. Make a schedule. Prioritize tasks, Avoid multitasking. Use time blocking. Eliminate distractions. Take breaks. Delegate tasks and review.

I couldn’t have said it any better myself. So I thought I would go a little deeper. I asked it what would you consider is the most important one on the list. It said that while they’re all important, setting clear goals is the most important. From there, you can get to everything else.

Again I would say nothing different. and then I said, okay, we’re really going to get deep and really stump this thing now. I said can you help hold me more accountable to do any action mentioned above. 

Of course, I can. As an AI language model, I can certainly offer guidance and encouragement to help you stay accountable. It talked about setting up a regular time for us to check in so they can give me encouragement, feedback, and support. It talked about I can set goals, we can use reminders, and will provide me feedback. It will offer me guidance and resources.

Essentially what I learned is Chat GPT can be a business coach. Everything I talk about with my clients you can find right now by going to Chat GPT and asking a few questions, and you will be successful.

Unless of course you’re a person who knows that may be a little bit of interaction might not be a bad idea. Maybe some human connection might not be a bad idea. Maybe sometimes what you needed the tease out those ideas and strategies through conversation, through connection through a trusted resource, who you know you can bounce ideas off, of who will hold your hand sometimes and be brutally honest at other times. You know, perhaps that accountability doesn’t just come from the list but from the checking and knowing that you’re going to actually talk to a human being. Share what’s working and share what’s not, and sometimes you actually feel a little bit of accountability to yourself because you don’t want to let them down that’s the beauty of coaching.

The fact that you have someone walking the path with you, and it’s not AI, it’s not a bot, it’s not Chat GPT, it’s an actual living, breathing human. If you know you need to get, some things done. If you know there are some things on your plate that you can’t quite do on your own, and you’ve already tried using a machine, and you want to interact with a human, let’s have a conversation. Reach out to me, comment below, send me an email, send me a text, or find me on Chat GPT, I suppose. Let’s have a conversation about what you’re trying to do, what you’re trying to accomplish, and how we can work together to keep you accountable to those goals moving forward will get things done. I look forward to having a conversation. Talk to you soon.

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“Best Business Coach in Plymouth, MN”

Top Rated Local Business Coach / Advisor / Consultant / Firm

Hennepin County: Plymouth, Minnetonka, Golden Valley, Wayzata, Maple Grove, MN

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Adam Thompson

FocalPoint Business Coaching of Plymouth, MN

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BIO: Adam helps his clients achieve success without sacrificing the other aspects of their lives to get there. He works with clients to identify the issues that are holding them back (often related to team, time, money, or clarity of purpose), build a plan to address those issues, and develop the tools they need to implement that plan.


Plymouth, MN – Exploring the Differences Between AI vs. a Real Business Coach