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Lafayette, CA

Lafayette, CA – Vegan Protein Available from a Local Weight Loss Center

SYNOPSIS: Cambiati Wellness Programs in Lafayette offers a delicious new vegan protein shake packed with nutrients to support whole body health.

Optimal Wellness: Our New Vegan Protein Shake


Cambiati Wellness Programs, located in Lafayette, CA, is excited to announce our new Whatever It Shakes Vanilla Protein Shake. As a premier local weight loss center serving Lafayette, Danville and surrounding areas, we believe proper nutrition is the key to optimal health and wellness. Our team of nutrition experts developed this multi-functional vegan protein powder to help our clients power their active lifestyles and feel their absolute best.

This innovative formula goes beyond standard protein shakes. Carefully selected plant-based proteins, superfoods, vitamins and minerals all work synergistically to support energy, gut health, stress resilience and more. Those struggling with digestive issues, fatigue, mood imbalance and inflammation can benefit from this nourishing blend. The vanilla flavor provides a creamy, delicious taste you’ll love.

Protein for Every Body

Protein is essential for building lean muscle, supporting bone health and maintaining proper metabolic function. We chose easily digestible pea, pumpkin seed and sacha inchi proteins for their complete amino acid profile. These gentle plant-based proteins are safe for those avoiding dairy, soy or other allergens. An optimal daily intake promotes satiety, aids recovery and powers an active lifestyle.

An Energy Boost When You Need It

With demanding jobs, family obligations and jam-packed schedules, maintaining energy all day can be difficult. We enhanced our vegan protein powder with natural ingredients like CoQ10 and ginger to support healthy energy levels without the crash later. MCT powder provides clean fuel for the brain and body. Cinnamon helps moderate blood sugar for steady energy flow. Together they increase productivity, heighten mental clarity and banish mid-afternoon fatigue.

Support for Healthy Stress Response

Chronic stress impedes health in numerous ways – from weight gain and headaches to cardiovascular issues. Adaptogens like rhodiola rosea help regulate cortisol levels and support adrenal function for a more balanced stress response. Nervine herbs ashwagandha and holy basil ease anxiety and depression. Calming minerals like magnesium improve sleep quality, further enabling the body to handle daily stressors.

Soothing Digestion and Gut Health

A surprising number of Americans deal with gastrointestinal issues that hamper health goals and quality of life. Key ingredients like L-glutamine, marshmallow root and aloe vera provide soothing support for digestion. They help repair gut lining, reduce inflammation and regulate elimination. Additional compounds help optimize nutrient absorption for improved wellness on a cellular level.

Bolster Your Body’s Defenses

A healthy immune system is your best defense for fighting illness and disease. Our proprietary blend of organic mushrooms like cordyceps, lion’s mane, reishi and chaga modulates immune response – enhancing it when needed while preventing overactivation. These mushrooms have been used for centuries to increase longevity, cognition and vitality. Their anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial effects support wellness during cold/flu season and beyond.

Convenient Nutrition You’ll Love

We know fitting one more thing into your routine can be daunting. That’s why we made our vegan protein shake as convenient and delicious as possible. Simply mix one scoop into water, non-dairy milk or a smoothie. The creamy vanilla flavor and smooth texture make nutrition a treat. Use it as a meal replacement when you’re too busy to cook. Enjoy it pre/post workout or midday for a refreshing break. This versatile formula fits your lifestyle.

True Health Starts from Within

At Cambiati Wellness Programs, we believe wellness is so much more than the number on the scale. Optimal health stems from proper cellular nourishment that supports you from the inside out. It enables you to have the energy, mental clarity and positive outlook needed to pursue your passions. Our new vegan protein shake makes it easy to get that critical nutrition conveniently and deliciously. We invite you to discover wellness optimized with our unique approach.

“Best Weight Loss Center / Clinic in Lafayette, CA”

Top Rated Local Weight Loss and Wellness Services Center

Contra Costa County: Lafayette, Walnut Creek, Alamo, Danville, Pleasant Hill, CA


“Best Weight Loss Center / Clinic in Lafayette, CA”

Top Rated Local Weight Loss and Wellness Services Center

Contra Costa County: Lafayette, Walnut Creek, Alamo, Danville, Pleasant Hill, CA

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Rebecca Walker


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3446 Mount Diablo Boulevard,
Lafayette, CA 94549, USA

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3446 Mount Diablo Boulevard,
Lafayette, CA 94549, USA



BIO: CAMBIATI WELLNESS PROGRAMS is a local weight loss center / clinic serving the greater Contra Costa County area, from Walnut Creek to Concord to Danville. Since 2009 our team of nutritionists and dietitians have taught over 6,000 people...


Lafayette, CA – Vegan Protein Available from a Local Weight Loss Center