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What is Lead Generation? 8 Strategies to Boost Your Online Sales | OCGnow

SYNOPSIS: We discuss what lead generation is and why it is important for your online presence. Explore 10 lead generation strategies by which you can boost your sales. Continue reading to learn more.

What is Lead Generation? 8 Boosting Strategies

BY: Joshua Lampright, OCGnow

Ever noticed how some businesses always have new customers while the others are still struggling to find even one? The key difference is an effective lead generation strategy.
According to HubSpot, companies that excel at building strong relations with their leads generate 50% more sales-ready leads, and that too at a lower cost (around 33%).
Lead generation means finding potential customers (leads) and guiding them through the sales process until they make a purchase. This is important because it helps businesses build trust and credibility with potential buyers.


MarketingSherpa reported that 68% of B2B organizations have not identified their funnel, which means they might be missing out on key opportunities for growth. Read along to learn:


● The definition and significance of lead generation.
● Why is lead generation important?
● Strategies for boosting online sales through lead generation.

What is Lead Generation?

Lead generation is a way of creating new leads for your organization to turn their interests into sales. Leads are potential customers in your target market interested in your product or service. This involves collecting a visitor’s contact information using a web form (referred to as leads) in Internet marketing.

What is the Significance of Leads?

High-value consumers follow high-quality prospects. By focusing on generating high-quality leads, you can attract prospects and drive more traffic to your site. You can expand your business and increase the lifetime value of each client by using an effective lead generation strategy. In other words, increased income for your company.

Why is Lead Generation Important For Online Businesses?

A business that does not have a lead generation campaign plan is a sitting duck. Its income and growth will be determined by the whims of a target audience that may or may not be aware of its existence. You won’t have any “sales leads” to follow up on.

Let’s take a look at why lead generation is important for a business and how it helps increase sales.

● Generation of High-Quality Leads: Traffic alone doesn’t guarantee profit. Lead generation attracts customers who are willing to buy certain products. This way, you can target relevant clients and convert them into paying customers.
● Helps in Market Expansion: Lead generation helps you discover new potential customers outside your initial target demographic. This can reveal new opportunities for your business that you can pursue.
● Boosts Brand Recognition: Educate and inform your target market about your product. An increase in brand awareness leads to a better reputation, higher profit potential, and increased brand value. Online lead generation ensures your brand is top of mind when consumers need to make a purchase.
● Boosts Your Profits: With the right messaging and content, lead generation can increase your brand’s reach to target prospects. This attracts quality leads which are easier to convert, thus boosting your income potential.
● Saves You Time: Lead generation automates finding new leads based on your criteria. This frees up your sales team to focus on converting leads into paying customers rather than spending time searching for new prospects.

8 Lead Generation Strategies to Boost Sales

Follow these 8 strategies to boost your online sales.

1. Create Engaging Content
Start by making helpful and interesting content that people will enjoy. You can use different forms of content: blogs, eBooks, and videos. You can educate your audience and build a reputation among them through these. This makes it easier to attract and get new leads.
2. Leverage Social Media Platforms
Engage with your audience on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. With the help of these platforms, you can generate leads by sharing engaging content, interacting with your followers, and promoting your services wherever possible. Through social media, you can reach thousands of people in no time.
3. Develop Targeted Email Campaigns
Create targeted email campaigns to keep your audience informed about your offerings. If you opt for personalized emails, it will significantly boost user engagement and conversions. By segmenting your email list and tailoring your messages, you can build leads more effectively and guide them through the sales funnel.
4. Optimize for Search Engines (SEO)
Make sure your website and content are easy to find on search engines to get more visitors. To do so, you need extensive keyword research that will reveal some fairly rankable keywords. It is a known fact that if your website starts showing up on the first page of Google search results, more people will easily find your business, and you’ll get more customers. In short, use all the right SEO strategies to gain organic traffic.
5. Host Webinars and Online Events
Host webinars and online events to provide valuable information and interact with potential customers. This strategy can help you build authority in your industry and generate quality leads. It also helps answer any queries that people might have about a particular topic or problem. This way, you can engage with your audience in real time as well.
6. Implement Referral Programs
Encourage your existing customers to refer new leads by offering incentives. If you want to build trust and expand your customer base, referral programs are the best way to do so because of their word-of-mouth marketing. Satisfied customers are likely to recommend your business to others.
7. Offer Lead Magnets
Provide free resources such as ebooks, checklists, or templates in exchange for contact information. Lead magnets are a great way to attract potential customers and build your email list. These resources should be valuable and relevant to your audience’s needs.
8. Design Optimized Landing Pages
Create optimized landing pages for your campaigns. A well-designed landing page with a clear call to action can significantly boost conversions. Ensure the landing page is focused, easy to navigate, and aligns with your ad or email content.

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How to generate leads and convert them into sales?
To generate leads, create valuable content and engage on social media. Use targeted ads to attract potential customers. Convert leads into sales by following up with personalized emails. Address their needs and concerns and guide them through the sales process.

How many of my leads could turn into sales?
The conversion rate of leads into sales varies by industry, but on average, about 10-15% of leads turn into sales. This rate can be higher with effective lead generation strategies.

How much can I profit from lead generation?
Lead generation is very profitable when done right. It attracts high-quality leads that are likely to convert into paying customers, increasing sales and ROI. Effective lead generation can also lower marketing costs and boost conversion rates.

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Joshua Lampright


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BIO: As a full service partner, the objective of OCGnow is to help you achieve the marketing outcomes that rank with the top competitors in your industry. You will always be in “the know” with a performance measurement matrix of our interventions. This creates a transparency that allows for actionable insights of prevailing trends and a concrete demand for accountability, no matter the results.


What is Lead Generation? 8 Strategies to Boost Your Online Sales | OCGnow