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Gulfport, FL

Gulfport, FL – Communication Skills for Lawyers Taught by a Local Business Coach

SYNOPSIS: Lawyers must be master communicators, and they can improve those skills through training from a local business expert.

Master effective communication through training

BY: , Your Business

Local business expert helps lawyers thrive

In the legal profession, you must be able to clearly argue your points and explain your side of the story effectively to have the best chance to win cases for your clients. Any lawyer knows communication is key, whether you are talking with a client, arguing a case in front of a judge or prospecting for new business.

It’s assumed most lawyers know how to communicate effectively, but just because someone can talk a lot does not mean they know how to communicate. Mastering communication can be the difference in a successful legal career and a short one.

As a local business coach in the Tampa area, I have worked with companies of all sizes and industries. It’s a business coach’s role to help a company or individual reach their professional goals, and combining my expertise in the business world with my client’s passion and knowledge in their field often produces great results.

Even though I am a business coach, I work with a lot of individuals on their businesses as well. From financial advisors to realtors and lawyers, if your business relies on your own personal skills, I can help you succeed.

For my attorney clients, we discuss many things and I tailor my training to their specific needs. If they need assistance strategizing a business plan, marketing their services or even merging with another firm, I can use my business acumen to help. In many cases, we cover real life skills such as time management and communication.

In my communication training, our focus is being clear, concise and understanding the situation. Clear communication is key in any business transaction, but for lawyers the stakes are even higher. When convincing a jury or judge of your point of view, you want to use language people can understand which simply and effectively gets your point across. We discuss the ways to read social cues and know when to elaborate, and when to make your point and move on.

Lawyers must also be great communicators outside the courtroom. Communication skills are essential when prospecting for new clients and earning their trust. The most effective communicators can make a quick connection with people and learn their personality traits to speak to them with effectiveness.

In our training, we discuss personality types and how to communicate with each type of person. Some people need every single detail before feeling comfortable with a situation. Others just want the basics and will get bored with too much information. A great communicator understands their audience’s needs and tailors the message to their needs.

If you are a lawyer in the Tampa area and you want to grow your business, I am here to help. Whether you need help with communication, marketing, logistics or business administration, we can work together to establish your business goals and then create a strategy to reach them.

Ready to learn more? Give me a call today or fill out the form on my website to get started.

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Top Rated Local Business Coach / Advisor / Consultant / Firm

Pinellas County: Gulfport, FL


“Best Business Coach in Gulfport, FL”

Top Rated Local Business Coach / Advisor / Consultant / Firm

Pinellas County: Gulfport, FL

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Gulfport, FL – Communication Skills for Lawyers Taught by a Local Business Coach