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Attleboro, MA – Top-Rated Business Coach Provides Tips for Staying Motivated

SYNOPSIS: Losing motivation is a common entrepreneurial struggle. This article provides unconventional yet practical tips to reignite motivation when your inner drive starts to fizzle.

Reignite Your Fire: A Field Guide to Motivation

BY: Lisa Levesque, FocalPoint Business Coaching of Foxborough, MA

Motivation is a fickle beast. One day your entrepreneurial flames blaze brightly—the next, barely a flicker remains.

As an Attleboro, MA business coach, I’ve seen passion fade when obstacles arise. How do you re-ignite motivation when your drive starts to wane?

Sustained motivation just isn’t realistic. But you can refresh your mindset when enthusiasm dips. Here are field-tested motivation boosters drawn from my coaching experience:

Reconnect to Your “Why”

Losing steam often means losing sight of your purpose. In the grind of daily tasks, your original “why” gets buried.

Take time to realign with your deeper motivations. Why did you start this business? What impact did you envision? How does your work improve lives?

When your actions clearly line up with your purpose, motivation flows freely. You’re working toward meaningful goals, not just checking off tasks.

Ways to tap into your core “why”:

– Review early business plans and journal entries when you were filled with vision. What problems did you aim to solve?

– Imagine your business 5 years from now after wild success. What does that look like? How is the world better for it?

– Ask trusted mentors what your underlying motivations are from their perspective. An outside view provides clarity.

Connecting daily grind to higher purpose provides rocket fuel for motivation.

Cultivate an Opportunity Mindset

Roadblocks can spur a defeatist outlook:

“This will never work out.”
“I just don’t have what it takes.”
“Why keep trying?”

This quicksand mindset smothers motivation. Adopt an opportunity mindset instead. View obstacles as chances to improve and innovate. Failure means you’re pushing limits, not deficient. Reframe thoughts:

“How can we get creative here?”
“What can I learn from this?”
“Progress includes missteps.”

With an opportunity mindset, you transform hurdles into stepping stones, magnetizing motivation. Ways to cement this outlook:

– Keep an “opportunity journal” to note lessons from failures.

– Make a daily gratitude list of 3-5 business wins, however small. This fuels positivity.

– Post reminders that “This too shall pass” and “Tough times don’t last. Tough people do.”

Weed Out Negative Self-Talk

Like garden weeds, negative self-talk strangles motivation if left unchecked. Watch for its sly creep:

“I’ll never figure this out.”
“I’m just not good enough.”
“What if I fall flat on my face?”

Ruthlessly uproot this inner critic. Counter toxic thoughts with empowering truths:

“I am capable and strong.”
“My best days are ahead.”
“Challenges help me grow.”

Rightsize setbacks as temporary stumbles, not personal failings. Your self-talk sculpts your reality, so ensure it nourishes motivation.

Cultivate Small Wins

When big goals seem impossibly far off, motivation withers. Shift focus to bite-sized wins.

Define micro-goals you can tackle now or this week. How will you guarantee visible progress?

A few quick wins that rev motivation:

– Complete 3 lingering “to-do’s” cluttering your mind
– Make 1 brave networking call a day
– Give yourself an earlier bedtime for better health
– Organize your calendar to maximize focus

Small wins build momentum. Stack enough and that huge goal feels within reach.

Feed Your Mind Inspiration Daily

Inspiration is fuel for motivation. When your inspiration tank runs low, consciously refill it.

Actively feed your mind positive, inspirational resources: books, podcasts, TED talks, seminars, and videos. Follow innovators you admire. Discuss ideas with visionaries.

Immersing yourself in inspirational material renews motivation by reminding you of possibility, spurring creativity, and expanding your thinking.

Don’t wait for inspiration to randomly strike. Seek it out daily. Make it a habit, not a happy accident.

Enlist External Accountability

Humans instinctively work harder with accountability. Enlist others to strengthen motivation.

Share your plans and commitments with a mentor, mastermind group, or coach. Set public goals on social media. Make bets with consequences.

Knowing others are watching incentivizes follow-through when internal motivation falters. Social pressure provides positive peer pressure.

For extra accountability, share specific actions, not just goals. “I’ll make 5 prospecting calls per day” not just “I want more clients.” Details matter.

Add Fun and Variety

Few motivation killers are more potent than boredom and burnout. Infuse variety and fun into daily grind.

Build in regular rewards for milestones hit. Schedule passion projects that feed your soul. Carve out family time and social events. Go on adventures.

Levity restores mental freshness. It puts work in proper perspective so you return with renewed purpose, not just droning through tasks.

Motivation naturally fluctuates – some days it roars, other days barely flickers. Using these strategies, you can re-ignite motivation when your inner fire starts waning. Reconnect to purpose, cultivate an opportunity mindset, weed out negative self-talk, achieve micro-wins, feed your inspiration daily, add external accountability, and infuse fun. With these motivation amplifiers, you can finish what you started.

Ready to sustain motivation over the long haul? I’m here to help. Let’s book a session to craft a custom motivation plan for your business. Together we’ll get your entrepreneurial fire burning bright.

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Lisa Levesque

FocalPoint Business Coaching of Foxborough, MA

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Attleboro, MA – Top-Rated Business Coach Provides Tips for Staying Motivated