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Fort Myers, FL – Determining Accurate Value of Cameos | Ask Sal Antique Expert

BY: Sal Lanzieri, Judy's Jewelry Antique and Estate Jewelry

Judy's JewelryDetermining Accurate Value of Cameos

When valuing cameo jewelry, the best option is to contact a professional jewelry or antiques appraiser. An extraordinary number of factors determine their value. These include the following:

Type of Jewelry: First and foremost, you must consider the general type of jewelry. Rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces and brooches have different values. For instance, a hat pin isn’t a commonly sought-after type of jewelry while a ring is a piece collectors want to acquire. Therefore, it’s easier to find buyers willing to pay a higher price for a ring than a hat pin.

Materials: Materials used in the cameo affect its value. Resin and glass cameos are often considered imitations and are not particularly valuable in most cases. Because shell cameos are more common and were easier to produce, they are slightly less expensive than some types of cameos. The finest cameos, and those that are considered the most valuable, are carved from semi-precious gemstones. Agate and onyx are difficult to work with, making those two types of stone more expensive. Materials used in the setting are also important in determining cameo jewelry value. Silver, gold and other semi-precious metals will always increase the value of the jewelry in question.

Age: A cameo’s age helps account for its rarity. Cameos made during the Renaissance are considered the most rare and therefore the most valuable. Age also helps determine the metal used in the creation of the cameo. A qualified appraiser can identify distinguishing features, such as hallmarks used in more modern jewelry, or gold-plating, to the authenticity of the metal used in the cameos.

Imagery: The carved image itself is also a factor for appraising cameo jewelry value. Popular subject matters, beautiful carving skills and metamorphic imagery are all important examples of the significance of the image. If there are four layers of carving each revealing a different color that makes the cameo more “metamorphic.” If the subject matter is offensive, or can’t be understood, it is less likely to be valuable. Lastly, if there are cracks and flaws in the carving, cameos are less valuable than well-carved pieces.

Setting: The setting, also referred to as the mount or frame, can prove the cameo’s maker and age. If a cameo has been remounted or placed into a secondary setting that is not considered to be original, the cameo is less valuable to a collector.

Condition: Lastly, the condition of your cameo jewelry is important when finding the value. Like any other piece of fine jewelry or antique item, condition is arguably one of the most important factors.

Signature: Look to see if the cameo artist signed the piece. The signature may be small or in a subtle location, but a signature is the sign of a skilled artist who takes pride in their work. Once you find the signature, search for the name or initials online. Some cameo carvers’ work is more valuable than others.

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Sal Lanzieri

Judy's Jewelry Antique and Estate Jewelry

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Fort Myers, FL – Determining Accurate Value of Cameos | Ask Sal Antique Expert