“Look on the bright side!” they say. “At least you know when you’re gonna go.”
It’s true that most of us have no warning about when we’re going to pass, and so people facing a terminal diagnosis know that the end is nigh. Nonetheless, it’s not really comforting. Not really, anyway.
Even with the end in sight, there’s still time. There’s still time to talk to a counselor about your emotions and feelings surrounding your fate. There’s still time to plan and solidify what should happen if you become incapacitated or unable to make decisions for yourself.
It may seem pointless, but it’s never been more important than now.
What is end of life planning and counseling?
Can one ever truly prepare for death? In some ways, no. In many ways, yes!
While you still have your wherewithal, end of life planning helps hash out what will happen when you eventually pass, sometimes even including decisions that should be made prior to your passing if your condition worsens and you cannot speak up for yourself any longer.
This will save your loved ones, who will also be navigating grief during this emotional time, from having to dive in and figure out how things should be managed in your absence.
Beyond planning, counseling helps you explore your own personal feelings, emotions, and attitudes regarding death. Some people embrace it, looking forward to this final stage. Some feel liberated. Others are in fear or denial, while some simply stop living altogether and wait for their fate in quiet resentment.
There’s no “right” or “wrong” way to face things, but working with a counselor and engaging in talk therapy might help you cope with certain aspects and help you live your best life leading up to your final breaths.
For many, end of life planning and counseling is not just valuable. It’s essential.
How soon should I start planning?
There’s no time like the present.
While individuals facing a terminal diagnosis or news from a doctor that their death is imminent should prioritize planning immediately, it’s prudent for healthy individuals to do so as well.
Think about it–
You feel well today. Everything is fine. You’re not sick, as far as you know. You don’t really want to talk about what will happen if you do get sick or pass away, but you can if you have to.
That’s why you should! Hashing out these details now while you are otherwise okay will save you loads of hassle in the future when your primary concern will be simply making yourself comfortable and buying yourself as much time as you’d like.
Start now and save yourself the trouble later.