TheCastro Valley CityScoop

Counseling News
Castro Valley, CA

Alameda CA – Benefits of Our BIPOC Mental Health and Wellness Counseling Program

SYNOPSIS: Urban Health Group provides mental health and wellness programs to BIPOC individuals because representation matters. Our team understands BIPOC-specific matters and will help based on that shared expe

BIPOC Counseling - For Us, By Us........

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We applaud 2022. In many ways, the dialogue surrounding privilege, systemic racism, biases, inequity, and discrimination is becoming more open, more frequent, and more progressive. Historically, we are engaging topics that some believed were not even based in reality, and it’s a great step in getting us where America needs to be.

But we’re not there yet.

Urban Health Group’s team understands this and provides BIPOC-oriented services, including mental health and wellness counseling programs, because our team is BIPOC. Our team truly understands the issues BIPOC are faced with, because our experience is similar or the same.

What makes BIPOC counseling different?

Of course, there are great doctors and counselors in the mental health field that provide services to people of all races, ethnicities, orientations, and otherwise. We would never disparage their contribution to our common goal of pursuing health and wellness for all.

That said, BIPOC face unique and specific types of trauma, generational or current, that shape their worldview and experiences. UHG understands this, firsthand in most cases, and speaks from that place to help others overcome their own personal internal and external issues.

The ultimate goal, of course, is for BIPOC, and everyone, to live their best lives. Through counseling, therapy, and other wellness programs, BIPOC are able to address emotions, feelings, and attitudes that lead to their impact on the world around them, as well as develop tools to weather trauma, tribulation, and other circumstances that require us to call on inner strength to overcome.

How does BIPOC counseling help?

As with other forms of counseling and therapy, BIPOC counseling engages discussion surrounding an individual, their worldview, thoughts, feelings, emotions, and attitudes that shape who they are in their everyday life.

Everyone struggles with something, and it’s important to acknowledge it openly and honestly with a professional in order to examine what our response will be.

Sometimes there is no action to take or plan to implement. Sometimes simply having the ear and shoulder of an impartial third party, a qualified professional, a fellow BIPOC, is enough to help ease the burden and better equip us to live healthy, productive lives completing the goals we set for ourselves and following the dreams we dare to dream.

BIPOC helps us manage the setbacks and limiting factors that we believe keep us from living our best lives so we may break away, push through, and get where we’re going one way or the other.

Call Now!

Mental health services have been stigmatized in the past, and people engaging in counseling, talk therapy, and other forms of self-improvement focused activities were deemed “less than” or “crazy” by peers.

Fortunately, the progressive landscape in 2022 is eliminating this stigma, and we’re coming to terms with the fact that professional help is for everyone, not just sick or “crazy” people. Everyone stands to benefit from working with a professional.

What do you have to lose? Contact UHG now and find out how they will help you today!

“Best Health Counselor in Castro Valley, CA”

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East Bay Area: Castro Valley, CA


“Best Health Counselor in Castro Valley, CA”

Top Rated Local Mental Health Support Counselor / Counseling / Company

East Bay Area: Castro Valley, CA

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Alameda CA – Benefits of Our BIPOC Mental Health and Wellness Counseling Program