Client Example | Marketing Services for Judy’s Antiques and Estate Jewelry, Fort Myers, FL
When Sal Lanzieri first approached us about his business he was unclear as to how to use social media to better attract customers into his store. After having a great initial meeting with Sal we discovered that he did not have a clear handle on what he actually had, who had the passwords or who controlled his digital assets. He didn’t know how to access a website he had, who had the passcodes to his social media or wand tracking as to what his assets were even doing for him. This was the first project for us as we strongly believe that each business owner must have full control and 24/7 access to any digital media platform they own. After a few weeks and a lot of digging, research and emails we were able to successfully capture all the necessary info and get everything under Sal’s “roof”.
Organization and Tracking
The most critical and important thing you can do as a business owner is to not just have control of managing your digital assets (social media, videos, websites, accounts, analytic reporting, emails, newsletters) but to make sure you know who else has access or control over them. This is our first step with any client and that is to organize all of these assets under the business owner. Often times a past employee or third party has the control over these and it can become impossible to regain that control if that individual or entity decides to not give you access to them. We’ve seen people have to start over with accounts they just could not get back control over. We helped Sal understand this process and explained each step to him so that he was clear about what he owned, didn’t own and had to get control over, and what was still missing from his overall assets. Once we did this it was much easier for Sal to have a clear picture of his marketing and what that marketing was doing for him.
Tracking is such an important part of what we do. It is not only our guide but our clients guide in understanding customer behavior, customer response, and campaign effectiveness. We make sure our sites and social media are all tracked monthly and a report is generated so that a thorough review can be done and adjustments can be made to strengthen our campaign or go in a different direction, if needed, quickly without spending to much time and effort on media, messaging or contact that isn’t working.
Cleaning It All Up
Our first task was to get a cohesive branding of Sal’s business established and apply that branding and message to all of his assets. One of the big mistakes we see is mixed messaging, mixed design that makes it hard for customers to recognize and put two and two together when dealing with a business online. It takes on average at least 8 times for a message/marketing item to start to register in our heads before we take an action like click on a link, visit a site, etc. So it is so important that your online presence has consistency and a cohesive message and look that people begin to associate as YOU. With Sal he had stuff all over the place. And for good reason, he had given things for different employees to do and manage over time so nothing had any similarity to anything else. Once we addressed this we were able to help Sal focus on WHO HE IS, “The largest buyer and seller of Antique and Vintage items in SWFL.” We developed a new and more appropriate logo for his business and set up all his digital assets to reflect a look and feel of quality, not some mish-mosh store that just sold antiques.
Dressing Up The Shop
In designing the website for Judy’s Jewelry we researched similar shops in the area as well as out of the area. What Sal had had in place was clunky and very hard to navigate and didn’t tell a compelling story that would have customers want to know more and contact him. We had several meetings in which we discussed overall content, direction, messaging and within a few weeks were able to launch a new site that had the sophistication and appeal that would allow customers and potential customers to easily understand what Sal does and how to work with him to either buy from him or sell to him. The site quickly gained good positioning on Google within a month and has, overtime, driven his traffic up by 35% over the past year.
Read All About it!
The next step was to organize and brand all of Sal’s social media accounts and get his Google MyBusiness page and Google Adwords accounts in order so that we could track and report on these properties and help Sal understand what was happening with the investments he was making in advertising, and where people were finding him so we could increase his exposure and maximize his ROI. Each month we meet with Sal and have an editorial calendar we review that helps shape the content and messaging for the following month as we prepare blogs, posts, video and ads for Sal. With a plan in place we’ve been able to help Sal increase nearly double his audience size on Facebook, increase his search results on Google MyBusiness, get more quality reviews and generate more click throughs for his ad words campaign by having a cohesive message and direction.
Consistency, consistency, consistency!
As with anything people need to be informed and trained to understand what it is you offer. This only happens with a solid plan and set of consistent actions that work toward that goal, day in and day out. We tell our customers marketing doesn’t need to cost and arm and a leg but it does need to be consistent and on message to be effective.
If you would like to set up an in person or zoom meeting with us to learn more about how we can help your business grow please contact Jeff at or Donna at and we’d be more than happy to set up a free consultation with you.