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Framingham, MA – Master Business Coach Discusses FAQs About Management Training

SYNOPSIS: As a FocalPoint coach in Framingham, I answer the most frequently asked questions about management training for leaders looking to take their skills to the next level.

What's the Real Value of Management Training?

BY: JP Van Steerteghem, FocalPoint Business Coaching of Bolton, MA

Leaders seeking growth ask: what’s the real value of management training? Coaches claim management training builds better leaders. But does it actually transform performance? Or is it a time-waster based on tired business tropes?

As a career coach, I say the truth lies somewhere in between.

Yes, some programs spoon-feed generic insights about motivation and teamwork. But others challenge assumptions and drive real behavioral change.

So what sets meaningful training apart? And how can you choose experiences that deliver extraordinary results?

In this article, I’ll share an insider’s perspective on:

  • Rethinking the goal of management training
  • Cutting through the fluff to find programs that work
  • Unconventional but effective training methods
  • How to motivate lasting improvement, not just short-term inspiration

My aim is to disrupt preconceived notions about management training. To challenge leaders to demand more than feel-good platitudes. And to equip you to choose growth that fuels transformational change.

Let’s get started.

Rethink What Management Training Should Accomplish

Many leaders view training as a checked box. An exercise focused on imparting knowledge. But informative sessions rarely lead to action.

For training to take hold, mindsets must shift. Beliefs transform. And leaders must find internal motivation to change.

Effective training is not a passive event. It’s an awakening.

So before attending any program, get clear on the experience you want. Ask yourself:

  • What beliefs are limiting my leadership?
  • What habits sabotage my effectiveness?
  • What skills could I sharpen to inspire others?

Great training meets leaders where they are. It doesn’t just cover textbook management concepts. It unravels current mindsets and practices holding you back.

With this clarity, you can seek experiences that challenge your status quo. Even if that means embracing discomfort. The work is never easy. But growth demands a willingness to shift perspectives and behaviors.

When choosing partners, ask how they’ll address your specific obstacles, not just deliver generic info. The learning should remain with you, driving change long after the session ends.

Cut Through the Fluff

Of course, substantial mindset shifts don’t happen overnight. But quality training imparts tools and insights you continue reflecting on.

Yet, many providers stick to tropes that sound insightful but lack substance. Watch out for these platitudes:

  • Leadership is about authenticity and self-awareness.
  • Build trust by listening more.
  • Celebrate small wins.

While well-intentioned, this advice rings hollow without context.

For example, when leaders hear “be authentic,” what behaviors should they change? How do they listen better? What small wins deserve celebration?

Don’t settle for fortune cookie wisdom. Probe for specifics that tackle your real challenges.

Ask potential partners:

  • How will you help me identify my authentic leadership style?
  • What frameworks will you teach me to have more meaningful conversations?
  • How will you help me balance celebrating wins with maintaining urgency?

Vague notions won’t cut it. Look for observable, measurable tools you can implement immediately.

Embrace Unconventional, Effective Methods

Management training works best when the delivery matches the content.

Research shows we remember:

  • 10% of what we read
  • 20% of what we hear
  • 90% of what we do

So quality programs incorporate extensive exercises, role-playing, assessments, and discussions. The flow between lecture and practice cements lessons.

For example, during a session on strategic thinking, participants could analyze a real business case and recommend solutions. They then receive expert feedback to refine critical thinking skills in action.

This analysis exercise is more powerful than passively hearing strategic thinking tips.

Also, look for training anchored in proven frameworks yet tailored to your needs. While formulas like “situational leadership” have value, cookie-cutter approaches rarely stick.

For instance, when learning communication skills, discuss real scenarios from your workplace. Don’t rely on generic role-playing.

Hands-on practice in your context embeds skills deepest.

Motivate Lasting Improvement

Inspirational talks might temporarily get adrenaline flowing. But motivation wanes without follow-through.

Cultivate lasting improvement with practices like:

  • 30/60/90-day plans to implement learnings.
  • Brainstorm sessions on applying skills to current projects.
  • Coaching to troubleshoot challenges.
  • Refresher workshops and webinars.
  • Peer support groups and mentoring circles.

Also, don’t underestimate the power of tracking progress. Define clear markers of success from the outset. After training, measure against those markers to sustain momentum.

Finally, celebrate positive changes, big and small. Recognition fuels the intrinsic motivation that powers lasting improvement.

Even small mindset shifts demonstrate progress. Reinforce and build on them.

Choose Unconventional Training for Unconventional Results

As Albert Einstein said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

The same applies to developing management skills. If conventional training led to high performance, you wouldn’t be seeking something more.

Look for experiences that open your mind to unexplored practices. That deliver new frameworks tailored to your needs. That immerse you in hands-on learning.

And bring an open but critical mindset. Assess whether the content sticks and transfers to real work.

With focus and consistent reinforcement, unconventional training drives unconventional results. But the work doesn’t end when a session does. Great leaders never stop evolving.

My name is JP Van Steerteghem, let’s connect to explore how bespoke training can help you rethink stale management norms. By taking an unconventional approach, I know we can free your untapped potential, help your Framingham organization rise above competitors, and drive extraordinary outcomes.

It won’t happen overnight. But with grit and open-mindedness, you can achieve leadership excellence beyond what you imagined possible.

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JP Van Steerteghem

FocalPoint Business Coaching of Bolton, MA

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Framingham, MA – Master Business Coach Discusses FAQs About Management Training