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Bolton, MA

Waltham, MA – Business Coach Discusses FAQs About Strategic Planning Services

SYNOPSIS: This article aims to answer some of the most common questions about business planning services which are offered by a local business coach.

Discussing Strategic Planning & Why It’s Important

BY: JP Van Steerteghem, FocalPoint Business Coaching of Bolton, MA

Business Coach Offers Strategic Planning Services

Transitioning from being an employee in a business to owning your own business is a rewarding, stressful and occasionally lonely journey. Moving from being someone who works to advance the goals of someone else to trying to make your own dreams come true is all part of the American Dream, but it often involves some growing pains along the way as a new owner learns the nuance of running a business.

Part of these growing pains happen because a new owner doesn’t understand how to work on a business rather than in one. Once the switch is made from being involved in day to day operations to effectively running the company, new heights can be reached. This change happens quickly for some companies, but others struggle for a long time.

Luckily, there is a way to accelerate the process of learning the corporate world and give your business a chance to succeed from day one. Partnering with a business coach who has experience in your local area will allow you to work on your business from the start. If you own an existing business and are struggling to grow, you could be in the same situation and a coach could help you take control of the ownership role as well.

One of the biggest responsibilities of the business owner is to provide a vision for the company and then create an action plan to get there. The second step there is where most owners struggle. They understand where they want their business to be, but they get so bogged down in operating the company they don’t plan and as a result their companies can become stagnant.

One of the most valuable services I offer to business owners is helping them learn the skill of strategic planning. Below, you will find the answers to a few FAQs about this essential business function, which will give you an idea of how I can help your business plan for a successful future.

What is strategic planning?

Strategic planning examines the internal and external factors of your business in light of your company goals in order to make a roadmap toward reaching those goals.

Why is strategic planning important?

Without a plan in place, there is no way to effectively manage your time or delegate tasks to your team. If you are not examining your company for areas of potential improvement or keeping an eye out for potential growth opportunities, your company will likely never reach its full potential.

How does the planning process work?

By looking internally to examine your company’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as examining the marketplace for threats to your business or areas where you can grow, we work together to create a plan for your business to succeed. By combining my advanced knowledge of the corporate world and the local market with your passion and knowledge of the industry, we can create concrete steps to improve your operation and be ready when opportunities arise.

If you want to help establish your company’s direction and get on the road toward accomplishing your professional goals, I am here to help. Give me a call or fill out the form on my website to get started today.

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JP Van Steerteghem

FocalPoint Business Coaching of Bolton, MA

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Waltham, MA – Business Coach Discusses FAQs About Strategic Planning Services