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October 29, 2009

CSM – CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGEMENT | Promise the Dream – Make the Dream Real!

Posted in: Mystery Shopping Services

The news is plastered with accounts of the financial woes of big banks and airlines.  You would think that an organization that is going through tough times, could at least show some empathy towards people who are going through similar circumstances.  Instead, they start grabbing at any little fees or charges that they can get, like a wounded bobcat!

Both the industries I noted earlier have been going through consolidation and change.  I think they need to start looking back at the “good old days” — for their customers, not them — if they want to survive!

I recently went to Hawai’i on a business trip.  I was amazed at how many extra fees can be added to the cost of your trip before you even get within 1,000 miles of your destination!

In addition to the fuel surcharges, security fees, baggage fees and taxes — there’s the entertainment charge, DigiPlayer (Hawaiian Airline’s Digital Media Player) charge, upgraded meal charge, snack charge, and adult beverage charges.  I got fleeced at 38,000 feet!

Let’s just hope an airline doesn’t buy a bank, or we’ll never be able to afford to get to our money!

Now, understand that I fly a lot.  Because of this, I rarely fly coach because I choose to upgrade with mileage I’ve earned.  However, both airlines and banks have an advantage over most any other business in the universe — THEY KNOW WHO I AM!  Not once have I ever been called by name on an airline.  Doesn’t make a difference where you are on the bus, I’ve never had anyone use the information they have at their fingertips!  I was sitting next to a world famous celebrity on time on a flight, and the flight attendant didn’t even use his name!  They promised me the dream of aloha and paradise.  I won’t speak for you, but in my paradise, they at least try to say my name once in awhile!

My advice to anyone who is struggling right now — make sure you use your customer’s name as much as possible.  If you’re not lucky like banks or airlines, then ask!   People don’t mind if you mispronounce their name, as long as you make an honest effort.

Do this, and you can immediately differentiate yourself from your competition!  You’ll build loyalty and strengthen the bond between you and your customers in a heartbeat!

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