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Anchorage, AK

Wasilla, AK – Strategies to Improve Time Management from a Business Coach

SYNOPSIS: Society has shifted from long hours to guarantee business profit. Business and Executive Coach Allan Carraway offers strategies to produce quality goods and services without working long hours.

Work With a Coach for Time Management Development

BY: Allan Carraway, FocalPoint Business Coach of Anchorage, AK

The quality of work you produce determines how much you will earn, not how long you work. Many still believe working overtime will improve income but will have the opposite effect: this happens because, without adequately assessing and planning the workload to achieve specific and purposeful goals, they’re working on invaluable tasks that contribute little to business growth and development.

Generally, 80 percent of work activities do not result in higher productivity or sales – making it necessary for entrepreneurs to take a deeper look at the following:

  • What gets delegated to staff?
  • How complex is the work?
  • What purpose does their completion have?

Time management is advantageous to entrepreneurs because you can produce more quality goods and services in the same amount of time and earn more sales versus working longer hours with less productivity and sometimes lower quality goods or services.

Working with a business coach to incorporate more time management strategies into your business is an efficient way to learn how to double business productivity without needing extra time, money, and resources. I help my clients effectively manage their time, increase productivity, and get more time off work.

Produce More to Earn More

I teach my clients how to shift their perspectives on productivity to strategically get more essential tasks completed without requiring extra time, money, and resources. By improving your performance, you create a domino effect: your improved productivity increases your output, which increases your pay.

Eliminate Nonessential Tasks

I perform behavioral assessments to determine the work efficiency of a team and teach my clients how to identify and eliminate low-value tasks using the 80/20 method. Clients learn to shift focus to completing 20 percent of results-driven assignments while eliminating 80 percent of nonessential work.

Simplifying Your Business Processes

Complex tasks require more time, money, people, and resources. You will learn to streamline yours by reducing the number of steps in each process. You will strategize to eliminate 30 percent of any unnecessary steps in tasks to complete them quicker, with fewer resources, and with a lower risk of error.

To streamline processes, I help clients break them down, understand the purpose and intended results behind those processes, and find ways to reduce and combine steps. You will learn how business processes can see completion quicker without needing more people, resources, or time, effectively reducing waste.

Effectively Plan and Prioritize

You will learn how to prioritize tasks conducive to goal achievement by the daily assessment of the most beneficial use of company time and by maintaining a single-minded focus on completing similar assignments.

Need to learn critical time management strategies? You can book a consultation with me today. I will help you make more money without working more hours.

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“Best Business Coach in Anchorage, AK”

Top Rated Local Business Coach / Advisor / Consultant / Firm

County: Anchorage, Wasilla, Palmer, Kenai, Eagle River, AK

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Allan Carraway

FocalPoint Business Coach of Anchorage, AK

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Wasilla, AK – Strategies to Improve Time Management from a Business Coach