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Anchorage, AK

Anchorage, AK – Searching for a Local Leadership Training Business Coach?

SYNOPSIS: Leadership is not just required on a championship basketball team but also when you are running a business. However, leadership skill is only sometimes inherited by people, so it becomes necessary to

If you want a good business, you need good leaders

BY: Allan Carraway, FocalPoint Business Coach of Anchorage, AK

Leadership is one of the most important qualities for a business owner. Without leadership skills, it is challenging to manage employees. If they see you do not have things under control or you are incapable of handling something, they lose trust in you. If they lose trust in you, they will not only not listen to you but begin to take matters into their own hands. Business owners need to develop a sense of trust with their employees. Without trust, it could spell disaster for the business. Poor leadership results in a poor business, leading to the business closing.

Below we will discuss leadership and how a business coach will help develop leadership skills.

How does a business coach help develop leadership skills

Leadership skills are rare in some; sometimes, they need to get built. What a business coach does is help develop those skills. A business coach will show a business owner how to be an effective leader in several ways. Those qualities they hope to instill in a business owner include:

  • Communication skills – Employees are human, so they want to be treated like humans. This means speaking to them in a casual, friendly way while simultaneously asserting your positions. If you want to be a business owner, they need to feel comfortable talking to you but also respect you.
  • Vision – To be a leader means to have a vision for the business and how the employees should behave. Now with the communication skills you have developed, you will relay this vision to the employees, so they will see you are not just some misguided owner trying to figure it out. But an owner who knows what they want and is trying to reach a goal.
  • Setting the example – You want employees to follow your leadership, then you need to set an example. They want to see you in the bathroom, cleaning toilets, taking orders, and washing dishes. This example develops a sense of relatability, and like how they want to feel comfortable talking to you, they also want to feel as if you do not look at them as pawns on their chessboard but as equals.

The central theme a business coach will try to get across is comfortability. They will teach you employees will follow someone they feel comfortable around. Someone they know has a plan and is willing to work with them to achieve the vision. Once a business coach has taught you these skills, they will also look to motivate you, so you understand this is obtainable. At first, it will seem hard, especially for those owners who may not be the most social type. After the lesson, the business coach will watch from the background as you apply these traits. Suppose it seems things are not going to plan. In this case, they will adjust and motivate you to understand how vital leadership is and show you how you’ll be an effective leader if you apply these principles.

Looking for a local business coach to help with leadership training

Leading a group of people takes work. Whether it is five people or five hundred people, it will take a lot of work for anyone to be an effective leader. If you need help being an effective leader, then I will help you develop the necessary skills to be great. With years of experience leading teams, I know what it takes to get employees to believe in your vision and follow you down the road to riches.

Please get in touch with me if you want to develop the necessary traits to be a leader. Then, I will turn you into the leader your business and your employees need.

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“Best Business Coach in Anchorage, AK”

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County: Anchorage, Wasilla, Palmer, Kenai, Eagle River, AK

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Allan Carraway

FocalPoint Business Coach of Anchorage, AK

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Anchorage, AK – Searching for a Local Leadership Training Business Coach?