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February 04, 2020

Winston-Salem, NC – Ways to Clean up After Fire Damage – Fire Damage News

Posted in: Industry News

Have you just experienced a fire accident?

There is nothing worse than a fire accident in your home. Not only does it affect your property and belongings, but it also results in severe emotional trauma. Luckily, not every fire accident causes total destruction. Thanks to the courageous fire-fighting personnel who put their lives at save our homes from fire. However, the slightest grease fire in our kitchen can be extremely detrimental to the kitchen, but other parts of the house as well.

If you have experienced a house fire, the following steps will help you clean the mess up.

Trash Disposal

Before entering your house for cleanup, make sure to have a word with your insurance company. Once given the go-ahead, start with trash removal. If the fire accident was a severe one, you are about to remove a lot of trash. If possible, consult a dumpster delivery company. Items prone to mold growth, such as bedsheets, rugs, curtains, and other wet fabrics must be removed first. If they are washable, wash these items with a high-quality detergent. If not, make sure they are thrown away quick.

Self Protection

Unfortunately, most homeowners, when cleaning up after a fire accident, tend to ignore their own protection. A fire accident releases toxins that can be fatal to one’s health.  Therefore, it is extremely important to protect yourself. When cleaning up after fire damage, make sure you wear sturdy protective clothing. Also wear latex gloves, safety goggles, and a mask to cover your mouth and face. To ensure maximum ventilation, don’t forget to open all the doors and windows.

Throwing Away Food

After a fire incident, the disposal of items should be taken very seriously. Even after the fire has been put out, dangerous chemicals continue to infect everything that comes in their way, and food is no exception. Any food item exposed to fire belongs in the trashcan, and it should never be consumed. Food items in cardboard boxes should also be discarded. However, the canned or frozen items in the freezer can be used, for they aren’t directly exposed to anything harmful.

Dry the Floor

After the trash and food items have been disposed of, make sure to dry out the floor as soon as possible. Drying the floor on time will enable you to prevent further damage, and mitigate the chances of mold and mildew growth. When drying the floors, make sure there is ample ventilation, to minimize dampness. Carpet and floorboards that are wet must be replaced with new ones. If you have difficulty drying the floor, it is better to hire a professional like the ones working at our company.


Soot Cleanup  

Items with soot residues on them must be cleaned with a water and soap mixture. If the soot residues on the walls are too stubborn, use a tri-sodium phosphate cleaner. Apply the cleaner to the walls with a sponge, and allow it to stay there until it dries. Cabinets should be thoroughly cleaned, for if left unclean, the odor won’t go away. If the odors persist, the cabinets should be sanded and resealed.

Ceiling and Wall Cleaning

One of the major reasons behind fire damage cleanup is the prevention of mold and mildew growth. The interior surfaces should be cleaned with a mixture of water and bleach. The mixture will serve as a disinfectant against mildew growth. The ceilings should be cleaned last. If you are planning to repaint the walls and ceilings, do it only when the surfaces are completely dry.

When cleaning up after a fire accident, make sure not to skimp on the aforementioned tips.

For professional assistance in fire damage cleanup, make sure to visit our website.

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