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February 16, 2020

Walnut Creek, CA – How Does Float Therapy Help Stress? – Floating FAQ

Posted in: Special Offer

Evidence has shown in the past that floating therapy leads to healing and stress reduction. Many studies have, however, used healthy subjects, with few studies examining how people with anxieties float. Recent research in PLoS ONE was conducted in particular to examine how the floating effects of depression, stress and anxiety are on people. The study involved 50 people with a wide range of stress and anxiety-related disorders, including severe fear, social anxiety, panic and post-traumatic stress. There were also 30 healthy people in the survey to provide background.

After float treatment, 47 out of 50 patients thought floating could be an effective procedure to reduce the anxiety levels, and each participant requested to retry the treatment. In general, the study showed that only one float will improve mood and decrease anxiety, which demonstrated that an efficient anxiety remedy can be given.

How Often Should You Do Float Therapy?

The publication studied how stress often leads to insomnia, depression and anxiety problems. Float therapy has the potential to relive the spiraling pain cycle that causes the body to calm. The calming reflex, the reverse of the battle or flight reaction, has an effect on the parasympathetic nervous system, decreased blood pressure, heart rate and slower respiration. Illustrating the relaxing mechanism during tension means reducing body and physical activity, which is a very good part of floating therapy.

In a single session, you will feel deep physical and mental relief. It decreases pressure, increases the confidence, and strengthens the muscular-skeletal and nervous system. Float therapy creates a unique environment: void of external stimuli, which have been shown to increase feelings of serenity and satisfaction and decrease feelings of anger and anxiety–even after finishing the session.

The spine and spinal cord are free of gravitational strain. Tension will restart the function of nervous and muscular-skeletal systems. Floating stimulates the para-sympathetic nervous system (our’ rest and recover’ mode) and places our sympathetic nervous system (or battle or flight reflex) standby–allowing the body and mind to rebound from current living pressures. A normal, floating exercise will decrease cortisol (stress response hormone). There are many statements regarding flotation-rest that induce euphoria and emotions. People report moderate euphoria, better well-being and more positive treatment with the use of a sensory reduction tank.Others reported spiritual experiences, profound inner peace, sudden spiritual discernment, and feeling as if born again.

A sensory deprivation tank may be used properly to relieve stress and relieve tension and pain in the muscles. It can also lead to a better mood. Sensual deprivation tanks are usually safe, but if you have any medical conditions or issues, it may be a good idea to talk to your doctor before using them.

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