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January 12, 2023

How Long Does Freeze Dried Food Last After Opening? | Shepherd Foods Processing

Posted in: Industry News

Shepherd-Foods-How-Long-Does-Freeze-Dried-Food-Last-After-OpeningIn the food industry, freeze drying food has become a common practice throughout the local and global markets. Freeze drying is the method of withdrawing water from food items to preserve their long-term durability. A large number of market segments in the food industry utilize this technology to increase the taste, sustainability, and overall value of their food. 


Such processed foods are packed and transported to different regions of the world with the same confidence that they will remain shelf stable for up to 25 years! However, after the package is open, the contents will last only for a limited time thereafter. Listed below are some main points about how long freeze dried food can remain safely edible once the package is opened:


I’ve Opened My Freeze Dried Food, How Much Longer Will My Food Last?


Most freeze dried food items have a shelf life of 6 to 12 months after opening, depending on how they have been packaged, stored after opening, and whether they can be resealed. In certain cases, however, when the food has already been rehydrated or cannot be resealed the outcome is greatly reduced. This food, then, should be treated equally to any other consumable food source and be consumed as soon as possible.

It is important to note that any foods containing nuts or brown rice must be consumed within 1 to 3 weeks of opening!


How To Know If Your Freeze Dried Food Has Spoiled


There are a few telltale signs that your freeze dried food has gone bad, whether it has been opened or that the freeze dried processing itself was faulty:


  • An odor that smells like spoilage: The same principle of spoilage goes for freeze dried foods like it does for fresh fruit or meat, once it has taken on some moisture. If the contents have a foul odor that smells off-putting or moldy, discard them!
  • Look for any mold or discoloration: Visible signs of fermentation are an accumulated presence of mold, fungi, or other types of bacteria in or on the food. You should avoid eating food that features these characteristics.
  • Texture: If the food in the can is expected to be smooth, for example, it should remain consistent as you open and inspect it. Such a food product that appears differentiated from its nature, like say, clumpy, would be best to dispose of for the sake the texture change could be due to spoilage.


Factors that impact how long dried food lasts


A few factors influence how long food can last after it has been opened. Some of the most significant are listed below:

  • The food’s quality after opening: The older food storage becomes, and the more it is exposed to temperature extremes, the more deterioration is likely.
  • The total time food is exposed to the air: The change food undergoes when it is exposed to the air begins at the point in time the container is first opened. This is because both oxygen and humidity are present in the air. Many organisms require those to survive, thus why the freeze drying process is so successful at preventing them from growing. As a result, the greater the humidity is, the faster the quality of the product will degrade.
  • The total time food is exposed to heat and light: The rate at which food worsens is also greatly influenced by temperature and light. The higher the temperature, the faster the quality deteriorates, and the less time food remains safe. Because many living things, including microorganisms, require light to grow, prolonged exposure to light further aids in deterioration of the food.


Bottom line


As was previously mentioned, you can consume freeze dried food for a pretty lengthy time after releasing it from its packaging. However, you have to choose a highly dry and sealable storage to achieve this. It is possible, once you’ve opened your long term storage food, to extend its life span while avoiding the above-mentioned spoilage problems. For the best results, store the food in the coolest and the most airtight environment you can.


For over 30 years, Shepherd Foods has provided delicious, nutritional food products to food industry businesses across the United States. We are committed to excellence in everything we do, from selecting raw farm fresh ingredients to co-manufacturing long term storage fully cooked meals.


For more information about how we can assist your business to assist your consumers, give us a call at (800) 497-8321. Our professional co-packing and co-manufacturing services can bring you some major resources your business needs to grow without the cost of storing all of the equipment or hiring the expert staff! Choose Shepherd Foods to better your food business, today.


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