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October 04, 2023

Paradise Valley, AZ – Experiencing Shoulder Pain? Visit Our Chiropractic Clinic

Posted in: Industry News

Local Shoulder Pain Care in Paradise Valley

Shoulder pain can be caused by a number of issues, and it can range from a minor annoyance to a major life hindrance. Whether you’re looking to get back on the field, want to pursue your passions without pain or have any other shoulder issue, enlisting the help of a trained chiropractic care professional can help.

Our team of health professionals has helped people live pain free and take control of their health in the Scottsdale area for many years. We offer non-invasive, natural healing methods such as chiropractic care, physical and massage therapy, wellness care and much more.

In the sections to follow, we will discuss our approach to dealing with shoulder pain through a chiropractic perspective by answering some of the most common questions we get about our treatment of chronic shoulder pain.

What Causes Shoulder Pain?

Your shoulders are responsible for a lot in your daily life, and until there’s a problem you might not realize how impactful a shoulder injury can be. The shoulder is a complex joint, consisting of rotating ligaments, muscles and tissues. An injury to any of these components can cause pain, and a number of activities can cause something to go wrong. Most often, we see shoulder pain in people who put a constant amount of stress on the area, either through a sporting activity or as part of their jobs. Shoulder pain is also common when someone falls, is in an accident or has an unexpected injury because the shoulders take a lot of impact when we try to catch ourselves.

What Treatments Are Available?

Our team is well-versed in applying a number of effective treatments to help quell shoulder pain, and depending on your injury or chronic pain more than one method can be used. By using natural healing practices of massage therapy, physical therapy and chiropractic care, we can apply time tested techniques along with cutting edge technology to give you the best chance at making a fast recovery. Some of these techniques include dry needling, PRP injections, ARPNeuro therapy, ozone therapy and more.

Why is Chiropractic Care Advantageous?

Using a chiropractic care regimen along with a full health plan can allow you to live free of shoulder pain. Our clinic focuses on holistic natural healing because we believe the body’s systems are all connected and we unlock the body’s ability to heal using proven methods. When you consider the alternative, which in many cases includes surgical procedures and/or medications, going with a natural healing method like chiropractic care which doesn’t carry the risk of complications, side effects or addiction is a preferred choice. Under our care, these natural healing methods can produce comparable results without the risks.

Our team works with you to find the ideal care regimen, and we put the needs of our clients first. We understand there is no cookie cutter solution for your unique health needs, and we’re ready to help you conquer your shoulder pain.

To learn more about our shoulder pain services, give us a call or book a consultation online today.

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