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April 29, 2024

Scottsdale, AZ – Our Sign Company Discusses the Lighted LED Sign Design Process

Posted in: Industry News

In Scottsdale, AZ, lighted LED signs are a popular choice for businesses looking to enhance their visibility and attract more customers. At Phoenix Sign Studio, we specialize in creating custom LED signs that not only capture the essence of your brand but are also durable and energy-efficient. Here’s an inside look at our design process.

Understanding Your Brand and Objectives

The first step in designing a custom-lighted LED sign is to understand the client’s brand, objectives, and message they wish to convey. This involves discussions about the brand’s colors, logo, and overall aesthetic. We also consider the sign’s intended location and the typical viewing distance to ensure optimal impact and readability.

Choosing the Right Substrates

The substrate, or material upon which the LED components are mounted, plays a crucial role in the sign’s durability and appearance. Common substrates include acrylic, aluminum, and PVC. Acrylic offers a glossy finish and is ideal for indoor signs, while aluminum and PVC are preferred for outdoor signs due to their durability and resistance to weather conditions. We guide our clients in selecting the best substrate based on their specific needs and budget.

Selecting the Lighting

LED lighting is at the heart of these signs, known for its energy efficiency and longevity. We discuss with clients the various lighting options, including the color, intensity, and whether the sign will be front-lit, back-lit, or edge-lit. Each option provides a different visual effect and can be tailored to suit the sign’s environment and the desired ambiance.

Design and Layout

Once the substrates and lighting are selected, we move on to the design and layout phase. Our designers use advanced software to create a visual mock-up of the sign, incorporating the client’s branding elements and the chosen lighting style. This phase includes tweaking the font size, style, and the sign’s overall dimensions to ensure maximum visibility and aesthetic appeal.

Prototyping and Approval

For complex projects, we may create a prototype or a scaled-down model of the sign. This allows clients to get a tangible sense of the final product and make any necessary adjustments before full-scale production begins. Once the prototype is approved, we proceed with the final production.

Manufacturing and Installation

The manufacturing process involves precision cutting of the substrates, assembling the LED components, and ensuring all electrical components are safely and correctly installed. After the sign is assembled, our professional installation team takes over, ensuring the sign is securely mounted and properly connected to an energy source. We also handle any necessary permits and compliance with local zoning laws.

Maintenance and Aftercare

Our service doesn’t stop after installation. We provide clients with maintenance tips and aftercare services to ensure their LED signs remain bright and functional for years to come. Regular cleaning and timely repairs can extend the lifespan of the sign and maintain its visual appeal.

Illuminate Your Brand with Phoenix Sign Studio

Contact Phoenix Sign Studio today to start the process of bringing your illuminated vision to life.

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