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February 21, 2023

Savannah, GA – Benefits of Hiring a Local Business Coach for Career Transition

Posted in: Industry News

Changing careers is a commendable shift in your professional life – it is easy for most people to stay at a job where they no longer grow because of the promise of financial security. However, remaining at a job you’ve lost passion for is unsustainable long-term and leads to burnout that will impact other areas of your life. 

Finding a career right for you and going back into the job search can seem daunting. Fortunately, certified business coaches mentor entrepreneurs for every step of the career transition progress. e will find a career utilizing your talent, navigate local job opportunities, and prepare you for the interview process.

Additionally, if you want to create a business, we will explore potential startups based on your unique services or product ideas, build a business plan, locate funding opportunities, and more. Whichever path you choose, hiring a certified business coach is an excellent investment for your future.

Find What Drives You

I use my Diamond Map Assessment to identify your overall satisfaction in all areas of life. This assessment will help us discover your underlying motivations, influences, and weaknesses.

Learn What You Are Passionate About

We will reveal your vision of your ideal career, identify your natural talents, learn what skills and resources you need, and then create goals to overcome challenges and pursue your new career. 

Create a Strategy for Improvement

Once we’ve identified your ideal career or job, we will create a strategic plan for job readiness.

Focus and Develop Good Habits 

We’ll work on developing your focus and good habits to refine your talents, build confidence, and encourage personal leadership. When starting an entrepreneurial career or changing jobs, you’ll need to focus on one or two skills significant for success in your new ideal job and continuously work on developing them. 

Skill Development and Career Plan

Clients learn how to effectively utilize time to dedicate to skill-building and increasing their business knowledge by creating a career activity schedule. By prioritization, planning, and researching new skills, clients contribute to self and career improvement and development. These are strategies conducive to success in any career you choose and will be invaluable to sustainable growth. 

Branding and Marketing

We will develop personal branding and marketing to highlight your unique skills or services, differentiate you from your peers in your local community, and exemplify you are a qualified candidate for a new position.

Write a Business Plan/Interview Preparation

  • I help clients who want to create a startup or actualize a business develop a concise business plan for funding and business development.
  • I assist clients in applying for positions with local job searches, refining their resumes, and preparing them for interviews.

You can book a consultation with me today to get started on your career transition.

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