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October 27, 2010

Chiropractic Tips and Advice on Stress and Nerve Interference

Posted in: Industry News

Stress can be coming from three main areas in your life. First structural related to minor or major traumas, such as car accidents, work injuries, repetititve motion, hours on the computer, poor posture, and lack of exercise.  Second emotional due to relationships, financial, loss of work, & keeping up with life. Third chemical, we eat processed foods, fast foods, high calorie intake, and we eat on the run.  I will explain what chiropractic can do to manage stress in your life, and what is the Nerve Inteference Model.

The brain sends messages to the body through the nervous system.  The spinal bones protect the spinal cord, and nerves that exit to organs, tissues, and cells of the body.  When the spine is aligned, there is no nerve interference, and correct communication between the brain and body. There will be normal body function at 100%.  When the body is under stress due to structural, emotional or chemical. This will cause misaligned spine, or medical terms subluxation, which leads to nerve interference, blocking communication between brain and body, leading to malfunction, and the body immediately begins to compensate, the malfunction worsens or disease.  The body has 60% loss of function, and the last thing to tell your body something is wrong are symptoms. 

Chiropractic first starts to correct the subluxations by relief care of symptoms.  Then corrects the root, the cause of symptoms.  The goal is to bring the function of the body up to optimal function, by removing interference and allowing to heal naturally without the use of drugs.

Dr. Maria E. Manibog, DC director of Health For Life Chiropractic, has a lifelong mission to raise the standards of healthcare by providing affordable, quality chiropractic care.  Dr. Maria’s methods enable individuals to adopt a drug-free approach to wellness, and thus attain optimal health for life.

Dr. Maria offers everyone an opportunity to meet with her, get educated about chiropractic care by receiving a Complimentary Health Consultation, Wellness Screening, and Stress Reduction Massage ($150 Value)  Please call for an appointment at (510) 357-1351. We are located in downtown San Leandro, CA.

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