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October 18, 2010

Auto Accident-Personal Injury Eliminate Pain with Chiropractic

Posted in: Industry News

Most people involved in an auto accident, traditionally seek medical help but find out later, they would have received immediate relief, eliminate pain, and speedy recovery with chiropractic care, without the use of drugs or in conjunction to medical intervention.   Unless it was a medical emergency, patients are most always recommended anti-inflammatory,  pain medications, or physical therapy.  Most patients either are recommended to a chiropractor by a friend, or they are frustrated with the slow if any results with medical intervention.

Auto accidents, or post traumatic whiplash, or trauma to the spine will cause vertebrae to shift out of place, irritating the nerves or nervous system.  This may cause headaches, neck pain, shoulder or arm pain, midback, lowerback, or leg pain, fatigue, and reduced immune function.   Drugs may temporary relieve, mask the problem but not align the vertebrae causing these symptoms.  Chiropractic corrects the misalignment of the spinal bones which have shifted with the impact of the vehicular accident, thus restoring nerve function,  naturally reducing symptoms, and speedy recovery.

The first phase of chiropractic care is relief from symptoms pain and inflammation, second phase corrective care improving spinal function, the third phase rehab strengthening muscles and ligaments supporting & stabilizing the spine.  Most patients after these phases of care should continue maintenance care to keep optimal function.  Its likened to a broken bone or sprain, which the joints or articulations become weak, needing regular check ups of the spine to keep stabilization of these areas.  For example, most common is the reversal of the neck, from a rear end trauma may cause a weakness of holding the head centered to the body.  Repetitive use of the computer may cause more instability to the neck, thus shifting the vertebrae misalignment especially the lower neck and shoulders.

Come and meet me,  Dr. Maria E. Manibog, DC your Auto Accident Specialist in San Leandro, CA. You will receive a Complimentary Personal Injury Consultation includes a health history, and spinal screening.  I will advise you without any obligation which direction to take your Personal Injury Case.  Most important you will not delay your treatments and recovery without the use of drugs, unless it is medical necessity to continue the use of drugs.

Please call 510-357-1351 Hablamos Espanol, we are located in downtown San Leandro, close to San Leandro Bart.  You may view & make an appointment with our website www.sanleandrochiropractor.com

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