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October 17, 2011

You have three seconds to form an impression about your company.

Posted in: Industry News

When a judgment is made about someone or something, and an impression is formed…that process takes about three seconds to happen. It takes that little time for most people to form an opinion about what they have been confronted with. This process can happen dozens of times in a day, and more than likely, you won’t even be aware it’s happening. Subconsciously, in our minds, the first three seconds can make or break a relationship.

I would say this can be more/less relevant to signage. Except with signage, if it doesn’t draw attention on a first glance, you’re probably not going to get three seconds; it will be more like one second or less before the viewer decides to look elsewhere. This is where building features into your signage that makes it more eye catching truly pays off in the long run.

A plain sign with no color contrast will not draw the eye in like signage that has eye catching features, for instance; incorporating eye catching color schemes or unique features that draw attention. This is why it is important to understand your sign can not do its job if it can’t form a good first impression. Plus, there is a good chance your viewer will have forgotten all about viewing it three seconds later if it is that boring. Something to ponder on.

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