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Real Estate Staging News
Pomona, CA

Pomona, CA – Home Staging FAQs Answered by Certified Home Stagers in LA County

SYNOPSIS: Want your home to sell fast and for top dollar? Bionki Interiors makes it happen. As Pomona’s premier home staging company, we've staged many LA properties. Learn our secrets in this can't-miss guide.

The Secrets to Successful Home Staging in Pomona

BY: Pantea Bionki, Bionki Interiors

Have you been thinking about putting your Pomona home on the market, but aren’t sure where to start? As LA County home staging experts, we know the process can feel overwhelming. But with the right guidance, you can transform your property into a gorgeous, irresistible space that sells quickly.

At Bionki Interiors, we are a team of certified home stagers dedicated to showcasing the full potential of Pomona homes. We’ve helped dozens of sellers just like you stage their properties for success. Now we want to help you too by answering some of the most common questions we get asked. Read on for info on our services, pricing, timelines, and more so you can sell your home with confidence.

Why should I hire a professional home stager?

We get it—paying for home staging feels like an unnecessary expense when you’re already preparing your home for sale. But here’s the reality: homes that are professionally staged sell faster and for more money. Unstaged homes can linger on the market for months. Our services are an investment that pays off in the end.

When you hire us, you’re getting a team that knows the Pomona market inside out. We tailor our high-end furnishings and decor specifically to the tastes of buyers in your area. With clever styling that maximizes space and light, we highlight your best assets making your home impossible to resist.

What sets your services apart from other home staging companies?

Unlike some stagers, we are not a franchise or large corporation focused solely on profits. We are a dedicated team with deep expertise earned from vast staging experience. No project is too big or small for us. We pour the same level of care and creativity into a cozy 2-bedroom as we do into a sprawling luxury estate.

Our award-winning services have helped clients net over asking prices on their homes. Over 50% of our staged listings sell within 21 days or less. We attribute this success to our certified stagers’ keen eyes for design and deep understanding of the LA market.

What can I expect the home staging process to be like?

The process always begins with an in-depth consultation where we assess your home’s unique style and architecture. From there, we craft a customized staging plan showcasing your best assets. After you approve the plan, we professionally install furnishings selected to match your home’s character and your target buyers’ preferences.

We handle all transportation and furniture placement so you can relax while we transform each room. For most homes up to 8,000 sq ft, we can complete staging in just 1 day with minimal disruption. Within hours, you’ll have a magazine-worthy home ready to wow buyers.

How much does home staging cost?

Prices vary based on square footage and the amount of furniture needed. Most Pomona homeowners invest $4,500+ for our vacant home staging services. We ensure you get the most value by having access to high-end pieces worth far more than our reasonable rental fees.

It’s important to note that our services are an investment, not a cost. The right staging highlights your home’s value, so you recoup the expense quickly. Just think – if we help you close 5% higher thanks to strategic staging, you could gain over $50k on a $1M sale. Our fees seem small by comparison.

Why is home staging a smart investment before selling?

Simply put, home staging makes an impression and generates excitement that translates into lucrative offers. Consider this…

  • Staged homes spend less time on the market. Your home sells faster when it stands out.
  • Buyers and real estate agents say staging makes it easier to visualize the property as a future home. We create spaces buyers can instantly picture themselves in.
  • Homes staged by professionals sell for more on average. Our work directly impacts your bottom line. More than 50% of the homes that we stage sell within 21 days and for more than the asking price!

When selling one of your most valuable assets,you want to capitalize on these advantages. Strategic staging ensures you net the highest price possible.

We hope this FAQ gave you a helpful overview of our home staging services and what to expect when working with us. As LA’s premier home stagers, we’re here to guide you through every step of the process with ease and expertise.

Imagine how quickly you could sell your home if it were professionally furnished and styled to create an emotional connection with buyers. We handle all the heavy lifting while you focus on more pressing matters.

Don’t leave money on the table or let your home languish on the market. Partner with us for strategic staging tailored specifically to highlight your best assets. Let’s chat more about how we can transform your property into a gorgeous, irresistible space that sells on time and on budget.

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Pantea Bionki

Bionki Interiors

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Pomona, CA – Home Staging FAQs Answered by Certified Home Stagers in LA County