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August 17, 2023

Plymouth, MN – Understanding & Implementing the 1% Rule | Business Coaching News

Posted in: Videos

Adam Thompson, our trusted guide at FocalPoint World Headquarters in Plymouth, Minnesota, urges us not to underestimate the power of small, daily improvements. This time, his wisdom revolves around the ‘1% rule’, a principle suggesting that tiny, consistent improvements can lead to significant growth and transformation.

Understanding the 1% Rule 

Adam tells us that it’s not always about drastic, sweeping changes. More often, it’s about the subtle adjustments we make in our daily routines, the ones that don’t seem to shake the world but do indeed shape our lives. Over time, these incremental changes can result in astonishing progress. This is what the 1% rule encapsulates — the idea that a 1% improvement, repeated frequently, can lead to substantial change.

Experience During the Pandemic

The pandemic-induced lockdown was an enlightening period for many, including Adam. He shares how his son’s simple health regimen of sit-ups and push-ups inspired him to incorporate a similar routine into his own life. What started as a small adjustment eventually led to a significant difference in his health and overall well-being.

The Impact of Incremental Changes 

Adam began doing just a few sit-ups and push-ups each day and gradually increased the number over several months. The result? Adam was not only physically stronger but also felt better about himself and carried this newfound energy into other aspects of his life.

Implementing Minor Changes 

Adam’s own experience serves as a testament to the 1% rule. His journey from taking small steps to witnessing noticeable changes unfolds the power of gradual yet constant improvement. In the end, he challenges us to ponder and implement minor changes in our personal lives and our businesses.

Identify Your Small Step 

What is the small step that you can take today that can lead to a big change tomorrow? Adam suggests reading more, starting your day earlier, or even incorporating healthier food choices into your diet. And once you’ve identified your small step, think about how to grow it incrementally over time.

The Journey of Success Begins with a Small Step 

Remember, progress, no matter how small, is still progress. A 1% improvement today might just be the starting point of your success journey. So take that step because every little bit counts.

Want to unlock your potential and discover the power of the 1% rule? Let’s explore together how small, consistent changes can make a huge impact on your success. Reach out to me, Adam Thompson, at FocalPoint. Let’s transform the ordinary into extraordinary, one tiny step at a time. Click the link below to book a conversation today!

Video Transcript

Hey friends, Adam Thompson coming to you as always from FocalPoint World Headquarters in lovely Plymouth, Minnesota. It is a crisp Fall day. It is an Autumn Fall afternoon when the leaves are falling as a biting chill hits me. Hope you have a fantastic day.

I think we often make a change in terms of big sweeping changes that we need to make. We think some big difference in our lives we need to make these giant impacts in our careers and our future in our businesses and our personal lives, whatever they might be. And sometimes we do need those. Sometimes we need that big see-change moment. But often times I think we forget, especially right now in this strange world in which we live, that it’s often the small change. It is the little things we do, the little improvements, that may end up having a great impact on our lives.

We’ll talk about it in terms of the 1% rule. This basically says that a 1% improvement repeated often over a period of time is going to lead to significant change and improvement in life in an organization in a career in a business. And I saw that thing that happened actually during the pandemic when maybe we all made some big changes. But we have a lot of small things as well. One thing that I can think of to point to in my life was just trying to be a little more healthy. I’m sure, like many of you, we all did the walk right, and what else were you going to do for the four months when we were just kind of inside? Take the dog for a walk.

 One thing Jack started doing last fall that I could have picked up on in March or April was he just started doing some sit-ups. He wanted to get stronger. He wanted to take care of his body and put on some muscle. He just started doing some sit-ups and push-ups a little bit at the end of the day and in the morning. And I got to pick up on that, but I thought I could, but I can do that. I can do a handful of sit-ups and push-ups each day. 

I started doing that on a daily basis. I get up in the morning, do 50 sit-ups, do 35 push-ups, maybe 40. I can’t even remember. It was so long ago that we started doing this in the morning and in the evening. I am now every day twice a day, first thing in the morning, last thing before bed. I’m up to 100 sit-ups and 65% right. and it wasn’t like I made that change overnight. This is over the course of about six months, but I can tell the difference. Right, I’m stronger by doing better about myself. I feel like I’m in better shape, and frankly, it’s translating to once I can get back into the gym and then do some things that I can do more. I’ve got more energy, I’ve got more strength, I’ve got more stamina and endurance and that standpoint. Those little changes, a couple of push-ups, and then maybe adding two or three a week added up to some pretty significant change. More than double the number in those six months, and I can tell the difference. My challenge to you my action item for all of you, is to think about what small change can make. Right, maybe it’s personal, maybe it’s health and wellness, maybe it’s going to bed a little earlier, maybe just drink more water during the day. Maybe it’s adding some kale once a week. I don’t know what it might be, maybe something your business. Right, maybe it’s you read a little more in the morning, maybe it’s you get started on your day a little sooner. Or maybe you shit the office door and close down a little earlier at the end of the day. Think about what it is one small thing that you can do looks like, and then think about how you might build on it. Is there another small thing that can follow, or is there a way to grow that small thing and make it a little bit bigger and a little bit bigger so they’re down the line in three months in 6 months in a year you led and resulted in that significant change? We are entering the fourth quarter. Two days into the last quarter of the year, we are rounding the turn toward 2021. we are working hard to get 2020 behind us, and now is the great time to think about those things you think about those things that you can do. Now if you would like to help figure that out if you’d like some help talking about what those changes might be, if you’d like some help frankly just in being held accountable to making those changes happen. Reach out to me, comment below, send me an email athompson@focalpointcoaching.com, send me a text at 612-965-2971, or give me a call and let’s talk. Have a great day. I’ll talk to you soon.

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