ThePiedmont CityScoop

Financial Advisor News
Piedmont, CA

Oakland, CA | East Bay; Working with a Diverse Array of Clients is Humbling

Hi, I'm Erik Wolfers, I'm founder and managing member of First & Main Financial. We've been helping clients with their personal finances since 2001—almost 20 years now. Today, I want to talk a little bit about some of the kinds of clients that we're asked to work with—which gives us great pride and honor. For no reason that I can explain, often times…

Oakland, CA | East Bay; Bond Fund Investing Options for Short-Term Outcomes

Hi, I am Erik Wolfers. I'm the founder and managing member of First & Main Financial. We've been helping clients with personal financial solutions since 2001. Today I want to talk a little bit about uses of cash—in the short-term or intermediate term or even long-term. We met with the client today and talked a little bit about what to do with extra ca…

Oakland, CA | East Bay; Q3 2020 Market Summary and the Upcoming Election

We presently live in a country where, unless we shun it, we’re constantly bombarded with someone else’s narrative. Wherever you fall on the political spectrum, unless you try to focus more on practicable solutions than fear; TV, social media, print media and our most elite universities are constantly driving home a message and it either makes you feel good,…

Oakland, CA | East Bay; Which Factors Contribute to a Healthy Retirement?

Hi, I'm Erik Wolfers. I'm the founder and managing member of First & Main Financial. We've been helping clients get through retirement since 2001. Today I want to talk a little bit about a longevity; and this specifically pertains to when people are in retirement or their "golden years". I go to a continuing education conference every year, and this y…

Oakland, CA | Piedmont; Financial Planning and the Emotions of an Inheritance

Hi, I'm Erik Wolfers. I'm the founder and managing member of First & Main Financial. We've been helping clients get good outcomes with their personal finances since 2001. We operate as fiduciaries, where our only objective is to do what's best for our clients and help them get the best outcome depending on their circumstances and the preferences. Toda…

Oakland, CA | East Bay; Financial Planning and Investing for the Long Term

Hi, I'm Erik Wolfers. I'm the managing member of First & Main Financial. We've been helping clients achieve positive financial outcomes since 2001. Today, I'm going to talk a little bit about the long-term. When we're investing for a client, we are investing for their entire life; it could be decades. We just recently got a client in his early twentie…

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