ThePhiladelphia CityScoop

Sign Company News
Philadelphia, PA

Signage Industry Tips & Advice | Lobby Sign Lowdown

Asking "what is a lobby sign?" may seem like a silly question. Obviously on the one hand, lobby signs are just that, signs that live inside your building's lobby, but on the other hand, they can be so much more! Lobby signs are an extension of brand confidence, and are a great way to give your office a professional, polished look. They can be made in a va…

Signage Industry Tips & Advice | Vinyl Decals

Imagine that your logo could go anywhere and everywhere. Would you want it plastered all over the lunchboxes and binders of school children, on the walls and windows of buildings, or on passing cars? Well with vinyl decals, you can put your logo anywhere and everywhere! By printing your logo on adhesive backed vinyl, the places your logo can go is only limit…

Signage Industry Tips & Advice | Seeing Clearly With Window Graphics

On a busy street with loads of shops and displays, there isn't a better way to get potential customers to look at your business than some creative, custom window lettering. Whether you want to tastefully spell out the name of your business without distracting from the cool-looking displays within, or you want to cover up everything with giant perforated grap…

Signage Industry Education | Exterior Signs from A to Z

Does all of our talk about pylon signs, engraved signs, and carved signs send your head spinning? Ever wonder what the difference between a cabinet sign and a monument sign is? Are you just wondering what the heck a cabinet sign is in the first place? We realize that not everyone has the same sign vocabulary as we do, so we decided to clarify some different…

Signage Industry Tips & Advice | When Your Pylon Sign Needs A Face Lift

Once you've decided on your sign's look, had it created, and finally installed in its new home, its easy to think that you're done with signs forever. If you're not re branding, why else should you think about your exterior signs? Well if you have a pylon sign, weather, time, and sun damage can all take its toll on your beautiful sign face. If that's the cas…

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