ThePhiladelphia CityScoop

Sign Company News
Philadelphia, PA

Vehicle Wrap Industry News | Fleet Branding

When you're a small, local business competing with a huge corporation, it can feel very difficult to keep up with your competitor's advertising. Think about a multi-million dollar company like Pizza Hut. They have television commercials, radio jingles, billboards, newspaper coupons, internet advertising, and a fleet of delivery cars and trucks! When you're a…

Vehicle Wrap FAQ | How to Measure Return on Investment (ROI)

We write a lot about vehicle wraps here. We write about the different things you can wrap, the variety of colors, the effects of temperature or oxidation on the materials... but what about the most important part of a vehicle wrap: your return on investment. Sure they look cool and we say that they're effective advertising, but how can you really know wh…

Vehicle Wrap FAQ | Wraps and Oxidation

Have a question about signs or vehicle wraps? Changes are, we have the answers! Have a really weird or specific question about signs or vehicle wraps? Fear not, because we'll find the answer for you, and then we'll even write a blog post about it just to spread the word. You might remember our article on kinky wraps and our recent ice cream cart wrap,…

Signage Industry News | Excellent Customer Service

A great way to make sure that your customer service is above and beyond is to go out and experience some truly excellent customer service yourself! We think that being able to recognize customer service and explain exactly just what makes us feel like valued customers allows us to help serve our own clients better. Adam recently had a great experience with A…

Signage FAQ’s | A Day in the Life of a Sign Designer

LA Ink, American Chopper, Project Runway, Dirty Jobs, How Its Made... there's definitely a trend in television that shows a general interest in what goes on behind the scenes in both creative professions and manufacturing. At Sunrise Signs we do a little bit of both, and our talented designers slip between creative design work, sign production, and vehicle w…

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