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August 16, 2022

Philadelphia, PA – Benefits of Recycling Iron / Ferrous Metals at Our Center

Posted in: Industry News

Did you know recycling metals has a ton of environmental benefits? From reducing pollution to preserving resources, metal recycling is one of the most effective ways to help the environment. Here at Richard S. Burns & Company, we take great pride in our ability to recycle iron and other ferrous metals. Read on for a look at the top environmental benefits of metal recycling!

  1. Conserves Natural Resources

Natural resources like minerals and metals take many years to form. And once they’re gone, we can’t replace them. Ferrous metals, in particular, are in high demand because of their magnetic properties and resistance to corrosion.

When you recycle ferrous metals, you conserve these natural resources using fewer virgin materials. It helps reduce mining and energy consumption overall. Virgin materials are also expensive due to the high demand. So, recycling ferrous metals will also save you money in the long run.

  1. Saves Energy

If you recycle an aluminum can, you save enough energy to power a television for three hours. The process of recycling metals is very energy-intensive.

For example, it takes 24 times as much energy to produce an aluminum can from scratch than it does to recycle one that’s already been used. Recycling just one ton of steel saves enough energy to power 18 homes for a whole day.

Recycling metals will reduce your carbon footprint by up to 95%. So, if you’re looking for ways to be more eco-friendly, recycling iron and ferrous metals like aluminum is a great place to start.

  1. Reduces Pollution

Iron and steel production is a significant source of air pollution, both in the form of emissions from factories and from the burning of coal used to power furnaces. Recycling iron and steel scrap reduce these emissions by more than 60%.

In addition to reducing pollution, recycling iron and steel also conserves energy. It takes about 40% less energy to recycle a pound of iron than to mine and process a new pound.

Recycling iron and steel also reduces the amount of solid waste going into landfills. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, every ton of recycled steel saves two and a half tons of raw materials from being mined. It conserves energy and resources and reduces the impact on habitat.

  1. Supports American Manufacturing

Lastly, recycling iron and other metals supports American manufacturing. The recycling process reduces the need for mining, hurting the environment. In addition, it takes less energy to recycle metal than it does to mine and process new metal. It conserves resources and reduces pollution.


Richard S. Burns & Company offers many benefits to those who recycle their iron and ferrous metals with us. We provide a safe facility for our customers and employees. We also offer fair prices for your scrap metals.

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