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August 25, 2019

Oakland, CA-Managing Back-to-School Stress and Anxiety – Hypnotherapy, Eastbay, CA

Posted in: Industry News

As your family prepares for the new school year, there are many stressors that worry both kids and parents, such as changing schedules, harder homework, and earlier bedtimes and alarms.  Many of these stressors begin in August before school even begins, but with a few easy tips, you can keep back-to-school stress at a minimum for the entire family.

  • Watch and listen carefully to your child. Do they seem anxious about going to school? Are they having trouble with a particular classmate or teacher? Are they suddenly having trouble falling asleep and have become more irritable? These are all signs that something about the new school year is bothering them. Try setting aside “worry time,” where your child can draw pictures or jot down what’s bothering them instead of internalizing it.
  • Establish your school schedule before school starts. Start establishing the school year bedtimes by moving bedtime back 15 minutes each night until you get to the designated time. Try doing the same thing with the morning wake-up time.
  • Write down a daily and weekly schedule, where the entire family can see it. Include extracurricular activities, doctor appointments, and play dates. Sometimes, knowing what’s going on what day lessens anxiety.
  • Make a homework plan. Discuss with your child what their assignments are and when they are due. Help them make a make a calendar, noting these dates.  Select a daily time to complete homework, whether it’s right after a snack or before softball practice. Don’t put extra pressure on your child about getting the best grades but focus on completing the work and understanding the material.
  • Keep in touch with your children’s teachers. Try to connect with them in person, but even sending them an email to check-in is good. See if the amount of time your child spends on his homework is too much, or if the material did get that much harder when they advance from 3rd to 4th grade, for example.
  • Be fun and encouraging. Sending your child with a sticky note, saying “You can do it!” can go a long way. Add some fresh baked cookies and it’ll be an extra special day.
  • Don’t over schedule your children. Nowadays, children are in every extracurricular activity possible, and that can overwhelm and stress them out. Set aside at least one to two days a week where your child can just play freely and have downtime.

Remember that your family will soon fall into a back-to-school routine, and these stressors are part of the process.

However, if you or your child needs more help dealing with back-to-school stress, please schedule a call with us today.

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