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August 13, 2019

Oakland, CA – Creative Outlets and Hobbies to Relieve Stress & Anxiety – Hypnotherapy, Eastbay, CA

Posted in: Industry News

Almost of all of us experience short-term stress from time to time. It can help be a motivating factor to help us meet a work-related or school-related goal.  However, if stress or anxiety takes over your life, it may indicate a more serious problem. There are some creative outlets and hobbies you can incorporate into your daily routine to lesson stress or anxiety. These are some of my favorites:


Reading exercises your mind. It allows you to focus on what you’re learning versus what you’re anxious or stressed about. My personal favorite is to read fiction novels when I’m stressed because then I can focus on the characters and their world. However, it can be fun to read all kinds of literature and learn new things.


Adult coloring books have become trendy lately, and it’s easy to see why.  We used to love coloring when we were children because we could just relax and not be perfect.  In fact, many studies show that art therapy reduces the symptoms of anxiety and depression. So, grab a coloring book and focus on making a colorful picture. They have an expansive collection of adult coloring books, ranging from floral designs to Disney princesses.


Writing helps you clarify your thoughts and feelings and express them in a healthy way. There are technically no rules for journaling, but it can be beneficial to write down one positive thing about your day. It keeps you feeling optimistic, even you’re feeling low. It also helps to journal outside so that you can be mindful of nature as well as what you’re feeling.

Experiment in the Kitchen

Cooking and baking can be relaxing and meditative; as long as you don’t stress out if the recipe isn’t perfect. It can be fun to look at recipes, and then use it as base, and add spices or ingredients and make it your own. There is nothing nicer than smelling herbs and spices in your kitchen and knowing you’ve got a pot roast and gravy for dinner or savory the aroma of apples and cinnamon for dessert.

If you’re dealing with stress or anxiety, try to find a creative outlet or hobby. It will turn your focus on something else.

However, if you want some professional help with your stress and anxiety before it overwhelms, please schedule a free discovery call with today.

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